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    Accommodation near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

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    Hotels near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

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      Landmarks near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation? Here is our list of options.

      • Albion Sports A.F.C.
        3.12 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        Albion Sports AFC is an English football club located in Bradford. The club plays in the Northern Counties East League Premier Division.
      • Harold Park, Bradford
        3.27 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        Harold Park is a small urban park in Low Moor, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. The park is open all day all year round. To the immediate north of Harold Park is Horsfall Stadium home to Bradford Park Avenue A.F.C. and Albion Sports A.F.C. Park Dam is a short walking distance to the south. The park has been given a Green Flag Award and the Platinum award from The Royal Horticultural Society Yorkshire in Bloom for open spaces.
      • Impressions Gallery
        4.93 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        Impressions Gallery is an independent contemporary photography gallery in Bradford, England. It was established in 1972 and located in York until moving to Bradford in 2007. Impressions Gallery also runs a photography bookshop, publishes its own books and sells prints. It is one of the oldest venues for contemporary photography in Europe.
      • Bradford City Park
        4.99 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        Bradford City Park is a public space in the centre of Bradford, West Yorkshire. It is centred on the Grade I listed Bradford City Hall. The city park comprises three main areas (each side of the triangular City Hall site.) To the east of the City Hall is the Norfolk Gardens area. As part of the renovations to City Park an underused concrete footbridge was removed and a new bus canopy was installed. In front of City Hall is Centenary Square. This area was extensively landscaped and now comprises ...
      • Bradford City Hall
        5.03 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        Bradford City Hall is a Grade I listed, 19th century town hall in Centenary Square, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. It is notable for its landmark bell/clock tower.
      • Peace Museum, Bradford
        5.19 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        The Peace Museum, Bradford is the only museum dedicated to the history and (often untold) stories of peace, peacemakers and peace movements, in the UK. The Peace Museum aims to engage, inform and inspire through: items in its collection and exhibitions of learning and education activities for all sectors of the community, schools, colleges and universities, focusing on local, national and international people, events and stories posing questions about equality, diversity, cohesion, peace and non...
      • Telegraph & Argus
        5.21 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        The Telegraph & Argus is the daily newspaper for Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Now printed early morning (it used to be an evening paper) in Oldham, Lancashire (and no longer on its own presses in Bradford) it is published six times each week, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Locally, the paper is known as the T&A. It also breaks news 24/7 on its website.
      • Midland Hotel, Bradford
        5.28 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        The Midland Hotel is a 90-bedroom three-star Victorian hotel in Bradford city centre, owned and managed by London-based Peel Hotels. The architect was Charles Trubshaw, who was contracted to design many railway stations for Midland Railway Company. Construction of the hotel began in 1885 and took five years to complete. It was built by the Midland Railway Company as part of the original Forster Square Railway Station, as a showpiece for the company's northern operations. Following the "gold...
      • Halifax Town Hall
        5.72 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
      • Square Chapel
        5.85 Km from MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
        The Square Chapel in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, was designed by Thomas Bradley and James Kershaw at the instigation of Titus Knight, a local preacher. Construction started in 1772, and the chapel was visited by John Wesley in July of that year. The Congregationalist chapel was typical of Nonconformist design in offering an uninterrupted view of the preacher, having no internal supporting structures. As its name suggests, the chapel has a square base. Untypically for the Calderdale region,...

      Points of Interest near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation? Here is our list of options.

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      Exchange Rate History United Kingdom

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      Climate near MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

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      Graphic showing average weather in MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 3 115.4 37.4 45.4
      Feb 3.1 92.4 37.6 36.4
      Mar 4.9 80.8 40.8 31.8
      Apr 7.3 67.5 45.1 26.6
      May 10.3 68.2 50.5 26.9
      Jun 13.5 67.7 56.3 26.7
      Jul 15.4 82.1 59.7 32.3
      Aug 15 86.4 59 34
      Sep 12.8 71.3 55 28.1
      Oct 9.2 112 48.6 44.1
      Nov 5.8 107.2 42.4 42.2
      Dec 3.9 118 39 46.5

      Travel Info

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        Google Reviews MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation

        Here are some reviews of MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

        • Been going to Marks classes for the last 10 years and will go for the next 10 that's how good he is. His YOGA / PILATES classes vary from time to time. He is always encouraging and positive and help and support you if you are struggling with any of the movements. He address the sessions to your level, it could be easy, medium or hard. His motto is health, strength and prosperity. Always feel better physical and mental after one one of his classes then before. I highly recommend one of his classes.


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          Name : MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation
          Address : MATAIP Ltd / Wellness Foundation 3 Fieldfare Dr, Bradford BD6 3XL, UK
          Website dedicated to this place
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