Bermondsy, Canada Water or Canary Wharf
We've narrowed down our home rental search to Bermondsy, Canada Water, Canary Wharf. Pros/ Cons of each neighborhood?
Edited 11/25/2019 6:17:39 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
Answer @ 7/7/2019 6:00:00 PM by Kaatje1971
Canary Wharf would be just commercial buildings all around. Weekends are pretty dead.

I personally didn't like living there. Most people I know who lived there just because they worked there too.
Answer @ 7/17/2019 9:00:00 AM by VANEVERY_61
Bermondsey seems like a cute place to live.

Spent an afternoon there and like the high street (there's a great fish/chips shop - best I've had in London so far) & people were friendly. Couple of comfy coffee houses too.

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