Not having any success in finding job in London online
Hi expats! My boyfriend just got a new job in London, a well paid opportunity in IT. I’ve been looking for jobs as well in my field - Internal Communications (or any general Marketing/Communications) - for a few weeks, without success. Thought it might be because I’m not based in London yet? In any case, we’re now in the position where we need to decide. Do you think it’d be safe for me to leave my current job, relocate in London and look for a new one once based there? Any advice would be really helpful 😊 thank you!
Edited 11/25/2019 6:14:29 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
  • 3
    I came with nothing and got a job in supply chain after 5 weeks. You should talk to recruitment agencies in your field.
Answer @ 7/3/2019 11:00:00 PM by really_Gardenstown
Get an UK number, with roaming, if you don't already have one.

Put the address of you bf on cv (it is important for them to know where you will be staying).

To get the NINo i called in feb, they called me in april and got my NiNo in may (after a month).

Took my bf 3 -4 months to get a job in marketing in London.

For me in IT, i am still looking, but interviews came after one month.
Answer @ 7/11/2019 11:00:00 AM by ShamanD
I work in the same field. Yes, they're reluctant to talk to people who are not based in London as they have way too many local candidates.

Plus, I assume you have an EU passport - it's a crucial question even if you live here.

About jobs: avoid job agencies, many of them are trying to "sell" candidates to employers not working for those employers which of course results in no jobs for candidates as more and more employers do avoid agencies.

Apply directly to companies.

This field offers tons of jobs, but from what I see, avg salary is low for London, unless you are lucky and you end up working in a truly global company.

You are most likely unsuccessful because tons of jobs come together with lots of people searching for jobs in marketing (many offers have around or over 1000 candiates, hence low salaries, there are always 100+ ppl willing to take a job you don't want).
  • 0
    That was exactly my impression, hence my confusion. Thank you, that was quite insightful...
Answer @ 7/21/2019 5:00:00 PM by Hazebrouck1976
Look at the tier 2 visa sponsor list if you’re not an EU national.

Only companies on that list can offer you jobs.

My experience job searching in both Paris and London was it was much easier to find jobs in London than Paris because I speak native level English and there are more companies who are willing to sponsor visas in London than Paris.

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