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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    Takoma Park....a town recalling of its former glory days that reminisce upon the hippie movement of the 1960's and '70's with Sears and Roebuck style wooden Victorian houses lining her streets. A refuge between Silver Spring and the nation's Capital complete with its own hospital, police and fire stations in the most quaint, peaceful Azalea saturated paradise for its residents.

    The downtown section boasts several cute little craft, art and eccentric hobby shops. Takoma Park made a statement decades ago by declaring itself a "nuclear free" zone; a town nestled amongst the grand Oak and Maple trees lining the trails, parkways and many neighborhood streets. Two colleges grace the town sandwiched between low income apartments near the municipal center leading up to apartment-split houses and million dollar mansions lining the margins between Sligo Creek parkway and Carroll Avenue.

    Convenient with its own Metro Rail (subway) station boasting a unique flavor like no other. Bicycle paths line the valleys leading between Silver Spring and Langley Park...a peaceful, serene sanctuary like to other with the advantage of bordering the Nations Capital.
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      Landmarks near Takoma Park

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Takoma Park? Here is our list of options.

      • Cady-Lee
        0.96 Km from Takoma Park
        Cady-Lee is an historic house located in the Takoma neighborhood in Washington, D.C.. It has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975 as the Lucinda Cady House. The house is named for Lucinda Cady and her daughter Mary Lee who both owned the house.
      • Adventist HealthCare Washington Adventist Hospital
        0.99 Km from Takoma Park
      • BloomBars
        5.59 Km from Takoma Park
      • Washington D.C. Temple
        6.44 Km from Takoma Park
        The Washington D.C. Temple (formerly the Washington Temple) is the 18th constructed and 16th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It is located in Kensington, Maryland, in the United States, near the Capital Beltway just north of Washington, D.C. The temple was dedicated in 1974 after an open house that attracted over 750,000 people, including several international dignitaries. The temple was the first temple built by the church east of the Mississipp...
      • Round House Theatre
        7.39 Km from Takoma Park
        Round House Theatre is a non-profit theater production company with venue in Bethesda, Maryland and an education center in Silver Spring, Maryland. Round House Theatre is a home for outstanding ensemble acting and lifelong learning. We seek to captivate audiences with stories that inspire compassion, provoke emotions, and demand conversation.
      • Kensington Historic District
        7.87 Km from Takoma Park
        The Kensington Historic District is a national historic district located at Kensington, Montgomery County, Maryland. The district includes the core of the original town that was incorporated in 1894, It is dominated by large late-19th and early-20th-century houses, many with wraparound porches, stained glass windows, and curving brick sidewalks. Large well-kept lawns, ample sized lots, flowering shrubbery, and tree-lined streets contribute to the historic environment which Kensington still retai...
      • Washington Coliseum
        8.11 Km from Takoma Park
      • The Phillips Collection
        8.13 Km from Takoma Park
        The Phillips Collection is an art museum founded by Duncan Phillips and Marjorie Acker Phillips in 1921 as the Phillips Memorial Gallery located in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Phillips was the grandson of James H. Laughlin, a banker and co-founder of the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. Among the artists represented in the collection are Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Gustave Courbet, El Greco, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Pierre B...
      • Embassy of Morocco, Washington, D.C.
        8.15 Km from Takoma Park
        The Embassy of Morocco in Washington, D.C. is the Kingdom of Morocco's diplomatic mission to the United States. It's located at 1601 21st Street, N.W., in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. The embassy operates a Consulate-General in New York City. The Ambassador is Rachad Bouhlal.
      • Grameen Foundation
        8.55 Km from Takoma Park
        Grameen Foundation, founded as Grameen Foundation USA, is a global 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Washington DC that works to replicate the Grameen Bank microfinance model around the world through a global network of partner microfinance institutions. Its CEO is Alex Counts. Grameen Foundation's mission is, "To enable the poor, especially the poorest, to create a world without poverty." It is separate from organizations called "Grameen Foundation" in different cou...

      Points of Interest near Takoma Park

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Takoma Park? Here is our list of options.

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      Climate near Takoma Park

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      Graphic showing average weather in Takoma Park in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 1 94.6 33.8 37.2
      Feb 1.5 86.9 34.7 34.2
      Mar 6.5 90.8 43.7 35.7
      Apr 12 89.6 53.6 35.3
      May 17.6 104 63.7 40.9
      Jun 22.1 103.2 71.8 40.6
      Jul 24.6 114.7 76.3 45.2
      Aug 23.6 112.7 74.5 44.4
      Sep 20.1 84.6 68.2 33.3
      Oct 13.7 77.4 56.7 30.5
      Nov 7.3 67.1 45.1 26.4
      Dec 2.1 85.8 35.8 33.8

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          Name : Takoma Park
          Address : Takoma Park, MD, USA
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