Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34 Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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  • Reception Desk You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    Reception desk off the main canteen area.  Irish lady is the manager and speaks English among other languages; handy if you need detailed advice.

    You need a code to get in after 9pm.

  • Accommodation Description Room and Lodgings You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    All rooms have 4 beds, arranged with 2 normal singles, an upper bunk with a single bed slotted sideways underneath.  You are supplied bed clothes and have to make your own beds up.

  • Toilet facilities You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    No toilets or showers in the rooms.

  • Ski storage You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    Ski storage for whole building connects to car park. Open access - can you afford to lose your super-cool off piste skis? No, well, lock them somewhere else - like your car.

  • Internet, telephone & communications You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  
    There is no internet provided. There is an Orange network when you search from your device - this is a BTOpenzone partner for UK visitors.
  • What can you eat here? You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    Breakfast (8am until 9am) and dinner are served. Breakfast is coffee, croissant, bread and orange juice.

  • Electrical sockets and power You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    Euro/France 230v dual pins. There is one in the bathrooms for shavers, another in the centre of the room - no desks, and not really close to a bed. You need to bring an extension cord or keep your device on the floor.

  • Getting around? You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    Local bus shuttle (navettes) stop over the road from the car park.

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    Climate near Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34

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    Graphic showing average weather in Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34 in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan 0.9 79.7 33.6 31.4
    Feb 1.9 64.3 35.4 25.3
    Mar 3.7 75.2 38.7 29.6
    Apr 6.1 82.1 43 32.3
    May 9.4 84.6 48.9 33.3
    Jun 13.4 65.6 56.1 25.8
    Jul 16.4 46.8 61.5 18.4
    Aug 16.1 52.2 61 20.6
    Sep 13.4 58.7 56.1 23.1
    Oct 9 79.3 48.2 31.2
    Nov 4.4 75.9 39.9 29.9
    Dec 1.8 93 35.2 36.6

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      Google Reviews Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34

      Here are some reviews of Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34 - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.


      Here are some reviews of Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34 - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and writing a review.

      Capacity Category

      • Warm, friendly convenient place to rest, institutional feel.
        We booking this last minute, as my son had a ski competition here with his club - just the day before in high season and there was nothing else in the town.

        There are no picture anywhere on the internet that I could find of the inside of the rooms. The price was 150Euro for all of us - including the evening meal, but my wife is a french-food fan, so we weren't going to sample that - we went out to the Coq D'Or in the old town centre.

        We just needed a bed for the night so really can't complain. Lots of people, families and young and old. Everyone seemed to be getting on, lots of games being played and chatting in the lounge.

        It does have the feel of a 50s sanatorium; there are no toilets in the rooms and you have to make a run for it in the corridor for the loos and there is separate showers section with an additional toilet. We couldn't find any towels - maybe we missed something - but since we were only there for 1 night and heading off out and home next day so wasn't a problem.

        Don't know why it's called PEP34 - but the number adds to the socialist feel of the place!

        Nice and warm inside the communal areas and rooms, but a bit dirty in the corridors and stairwells.

        Very pleasant Irish expat Breanainn took care of us - normal breakfast starts at 8 until 9 but the boy had to be on the slope at 8, so she kindly provided something a tad earlier. She might be trying to do a little too much, as she was running around madly in the evening when we arrived, and seemed to be doing the lion's share of the work in the kitchen in the morning.

        Breakfast is usual French fare: croissants, bread and orange juice, and you get to drink the coffee from your bowl. Restaurant area is well lit school canteen sort of place. Breanainn writes your name on a sticky note so you know where to sit.

        You have to make your own bed, but the duvet was clean and bed not uncomfortable; the kids like the bunk bed setup of course.

        It's at the southern far end of town, convenient for the Pla Mir end, which is where our competition was so a bonus there.

        Ski storage is excellent if you want to bring your kit in at the end of the day. Straight off the car park, just a couple of stairs and you're into the ski storage area.

        There is a navette stop right outside the car park - Les Angles has free buses to get you to the pistes saving traffic, but note these don't run at night. It was about 30mins walk on the main circular road to the other end of town (the old town), and there aren't any taxis in Les Angles (well there is, but the driver doubles as the Ambulance driver - and our night was his night off), so we planned to have a bottle of wine and get a ride back, but no luck. There is a more direct road directly across the valley and it was lit and straightforward to walk back - about 15mins with a reasonable incline up a couple of hairpins back to the PEP34.

        We went end of the Spanish/French half term holidays - so peak time.

        Each room has a balcony, there were smokers out the front as usual, and I guess the small balcony can serve the same purpose for those in need of puff once you've got your pyjamas on. The view in the morning is spectacular as rooms on the car park side are all East facing the sun coming up of the mountains. You can see into the valley and the Canadian-looking pine forests.
        • 40s
        • Male
        • Father
        • Married
        • No Disability
        • Skiing enthusiast
        Edited 21 Mar, 2017 21:36 by bendecko (view history)
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        Name : Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34
        Address : Centre Éducation et de Loisirs Pep 34 14 Route du Pla del Mir, 66210 Les Angles, France
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        2/26/2017 5:27:59 PM