RZSS Highland Wildlife Park Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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      Climate near RZSS Highland Wildlife Park

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      Graphic showing average weather in RZSS Highland Wildlife Park in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 2.5 119.6 36.5 47.1
      Feb 2.8 90.5 37 35.6
      Mar 4.3 77.1 39.7 30.4
      Apr 6.5 69.3 43.7 27.3
      May 9.4 68.7 48.9 27
      Jun 12.3 60.7 54.1 23.9
      Jul 13.8 86.8 56.8 34.2
      Aug 13.4 88.5 56.1 34.8
      Sep 11.4 84 52.5 33.1
      Oct 8.1 111.2 46.6 43.8
      Nov 5.1 111.5 41.2 43.9
      Dec 3.3 110.7 37.9 43.6

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        Google Reviews RZSS Highland Wildlife Park

        Here are some reviews of RZSS Highland Wildlife Park - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

        • Having visited the highland safari park with my partner we found the whole experience such a wonderful treat and found the animals cared for very well with large open spaces for them to roam around unlike a lot of zoos in the UK. Its a great day out for young and old and plenty to see! Allow yourself plenty of hours to see all as its open 10am to 4pm 7 days a week. Well done to all the staff who are most helpful to visitors and the café is truly clean with good food and drinks etc.. Would definitely be calling again to see it all over again.
        • An amazing place showcasing animals you would otherwise not get to see. Being a member of Chester zoo we got in for free which was a bonus. We especially liked the wolves and Scottish wildcats. The cafe wasn't exactly cheap, but if it's all contributing to a good cause I don't mind.
        • my girls loved this, doing the safari is best done with a sun roof open so the back seat guys can stand up, there are no predators and travelling @ 5 mph or less it really opens up the viewing. The guides are very knowledgeable and the enclosures are decent sizes. worth the day trip.
        • Fantastic wildlife park, well worth the visit. We spent the whole day here, we had a guided tour (which is in a VW van, not a Land Rover if you're looking for the Land Rover tours, they don't do them anymore). We also went round in our own car. You can get extremely close to the various wildlife here for some really good photos. Cafe and shop are good as well.
        • Amazing place. Wonderful. Amazing staff and brilliant parking. Food excellent and well worth the entry price.


        Here are some reviews of RZSS Highland Wildlife Park - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and writing a review.

        Capacity Category

        • Plenty to see but can get busy
          We visited the park in the middle of the school holidays on a hot and sunny day. There are two parts to the park, an area that you drive around, with buffalo, deer etc and an area that you walk around where the animals are in pens. The drive was ok, but as it was so busy, it felt like we were in a traffic queue!

          We stopped into the cafe for a quick drink and ended up taking it outside as it was warm and busy inside. We walked around the pens which were fairily spacious. The staff run a feeding schedule during the day and we were in time to see the polar bears fed. The keeper who fed the bears was very knowledgeable and gave a good 15 minute talk about them, where they came from, their habits etc. It was very interesting. I was surprised to see that the pen which was labelled as a capercaillie actually contained another bird, and had to correct another visitor who was exclaiming 'wow, look, that's a capercaillie!'

          It's a good day out if you like that kind of thing, but I would try and go in the quiet season.
          • 40s
          • Female
          • No Kids
          • Widowed
          • No Disability
          Edited 24 Mar, 2017 20:41 by Squirrel (view history)
          Review Score: 0 You can't vote. why?
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          Name : RZSS Highland Wildlife Park
          Address : RZSS Highland Wildlife Park Kincraig, Kingussie PH21 1NL, UK
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