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    Users Assigned: Shimizu77  
    Historically the Ashikaga family shoguns settled down in Kyoto’s Muromachi district, which gave its name to the new creative period that followed.

    The gruff, bluff warriors, taste for art – calligraphy, landscape painting, the, tea ceremony, music, dance, and theater- coincided with a renewed interest in thing Chinese, above all the teachings of Zen Buddhism.

    Although Zen had been present in Japan since the 12th century, its ascendancy began under the Kamakura regime, which found the mystic Chinese philosophy admirably suited to Japanese sensitivity, impressionism, and love of form and ritual.

    The Ashikaga shoguns and their samurai were greatly attracted by an essentially anti-intellectual doctrine that transmitted its truth from master to disciple by practical example rather that scholarly study of texts. Enlightenment (satori) was to be achieved through self-understanding and self-discipline, combining tranquillity and individualism.

    After their savage battles, the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden.
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    Hotels near Muromachi Dori

    Selection of near Muromachi Dori

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      Landmarks near Muromachi Dori

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Muromachi Dori? Here is our list of options.

      • Nishiki Market
        3.15 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Nishiki Market (錦市場, Nishiki Ichiba) (literally "brocade market") is a marketplace in downtown Kyoto, located on a road one block north and parallel to Shijō Street (四条通, Shijō-dōri) and west of Teramachi Street (寺町通, Teramachi-dōri). Rich with history and tradition, the market is renowned as the place to obtain many of Kyoto's famous foods and goods.
      • Ponto-chō
        3.58 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Ponto-chō (先斗町) is a Hanamachi district in Kyoto, Japan, known for geisha and home to many geisha houses and traditional tea houses. Like Gion, Pontochō is famous for the preservation of forms of traditional architecture and entertainment.
      • Seimei Shrine
        5.64 Km from Muromachi Dori
      • Keihan Cable Line
        11.84 Km from Muromachi Dori
      • Iwashimizu Hachimangū
        12.10 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Iwashimizu Hachimangū (石清水八幡宮) is a Shinto shrine in the city of Yawata in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
      • Hirakata Park
        22.02 Km from Muromachi Dori
      • Expoland
        27.94 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Expoland, located in Suita, Osaka, Japan, was opened as the amusement zone at the International Exposition in 1970 (Expo '70) and thrived for over 30 years as an amusement park. There were more than 40 rides and attractions, 19 restaurants and shops. On May 5, 2007, a 19-year-old university student from Higashiomi, Shiga was killed and nineteen other guests were injured when the Fujin Raijin II derailed at Expoland. Initial reports said that forty people were injured, with thirty-one being taken...
      • Himuro Shrine
        33.38 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Himuro Shrine (氷室神社, Himuro Jinja) is a Shinto shrine in Nara, Nara Prefecture, Japan. It was established in 710. Kami enshrined here include Emperor Nintoku and Nukata no Onakatsuhiko no Mikoto (額田大仲彦命). The shrine's main festival is held annually on October 1.
      • Nara Hotel
        33.78 Km from Muromachi Dori
        Nara Hotel (奈良ホテル) is a five star hotel in Nara, Japan. The hotel is located on the hillside overlooking Nara Park. Opened on October 17, 1909, it is one of the most historic hotels in Japan. It is partially owned by the West Japan Railway Company. In 2009 the first centennial anniversay of the hotel was celebrated.
      • Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum
        35.07 Km from Muromachi Dori

      Points of Interest near Muromachi Dori

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Muromachi Dori? Here is our list of options.

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      • Toji
        Toji is one of Kyoto's oldest temples and its massive pagoda is the largest in Japan.
        Toji 1 Kujōchō, Minami-ku, Kyōto-shi, Kyōto-fu 601-8473, Japan
      • Tofukuji Temple

        Tofukuji is a significant Zen temple complex; as well as many impressive buildings - Tofukuji has 4 Zen gardens located in the "hojo" which means "abbot's quarters". 

        At Tofukuji's center is there is a gorge with maple trees.

        Tofukuji Temple Japan, 〒605-0981 京都府京都市東山区本町15−778
      • 778 Honmachi 15-chōme
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        778 Honmachi 15-chōme, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, 605-0981, Japan
      • 東本願寺
        Higashi- Honganji is part of the headquarters of the Jodo-Shinshu (“Pure Land”) sect.
        東本願寺 Japan, 〒600-8505 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, Shimogyō-ku, 烏丸通七条上る常葉町754
      • Nishi Honganji Shoin

        There is a lot to see here in Nishi-Honganji. This is one of the best examples Buddhist monumental architecture in Japan; it combines a heroic, dramatic silhouette and with lavish decoration.

        These 17th-century buildings were constructed with materials brought from Fushimi Castle which was the property of Hideyoshi. This was originally on the southern side of Kyoto and was dismantled by a Tokugawa shogun in the 1630s.

        Nishi Honganji Shoin Monzencho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture 600-8358, Japan
      • Rengeoin Sanjusangendo

        Sanjusangendo known as the "Hall of 33 Bays." The original temple was built in around 1164 and survived only about a hundred years. What you see today is a reconstruction which is still very old as it dates from the thirteenth century.

        Its centrepiece is a ornate wood statue of the seated Kannon Bodhisattva. 3.3 m (11 f0 high, with 11 faces on the crown of its head and 40 arms (extravagantly known as "a thousand arms") wielding bells, wheels, and lotus flowers.

        However Sanjusangendo's main wonder is its legion of 1.000 gilded Kannon images flanking the central Buddha. The identical statues were carved by the 13th-century masters Kokei, Unkei. and Tankei, with 70 assistants.

        Rengeoin Sanjusangendo 657 Sanjūsangendōmawari, Higashiyama-ku, Kyōto-shi, Kyōto-fu 605-0941, Japan
      • Fushimi Inari Taisha

        The Fushimi-Inari Shrine is in southern Kyoto. It is a shrine to the Shinto rice deity Inari. It is the most famous and important Inari shrine in the land.

        The city of Kyoto can be said to be overflowing with "must-see" places, but this is one place almost certain to use up any superlative descriptions that you might have in your tired-out lexicon.

        Fushimi Inari Taisha 68 Fukakusa Yabunouchichō, Fushimi-ku, Kyōto-shi, Kyōto-fu 612-0882, Japan
      • Kyoto National Museum

        You will have found one of Japan's greatest assemblage of paintings and sculptures in the Kyoto National Museum.

        Additionally you can view traditional amour and weapons from over 10 centuries of tradition.  If noh theatre is your thing then the costumes and masks used in these performances will be of interest.

        Most of the items (which are without-peer in Japan) on display have been gleaned from temples & palaces in Kyoto, Nara, and other important cultural centres.

        Kyoto National Museum 527 Chayachō, Higashiyama-ku, Kyōto-shi, Kyōto-fu 605-0931, Japan
      • Higashiyama Ward
        On the Kyoto's east side, Hlgashlyama has temples, theaters, museums, and parks—a fine introduction to exploring the imperial city on foot.
        Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
      • Shisendo
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Shisendo Japan, 〒600-8511 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, Shimogyō-ku, Tachiuri Nishimachi, 下京区四条通高倉西入立売西町79番地 大丸京都店 4F

      Exchange Rate History Japan

      Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

      Select your home currency from the drop down to compare it to the currency in use in Japan.

      Currencies fluctuate all the time, to keep updated of rapidly devaluing currencies follow us on Twitter or Facebook , or if you have somewhere special in mind sign up for an account and plan a trip. We will then keep an eye on their currency rates, and send you an alert if their currency goes down in comparison to yours.

      Climate near Muromachi Dori

      When is the best time of year to go to Muromachi Dori ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Muromachi Dori then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Muromachi Dori in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 2.5 53.4 36.5 21
      Feb 3.1 70.2 37.6 27.6
      Mar 6.4 105.1 43.5 41.4
      Apr 12.1 138 53.8 54.3
      May 17 129.7 62.6 51.1
      Jun 21.3 219.2 70.3 86.3
      Jul 25.9 174.3 78.6 68.6
      Aug 26.7 128.7 80.1 50.7
      Sep 22.7 198.6 72.9 78.2
      Oct 16.3 140.4 61.3 55.3
      Nov 10.5 81 50.9 31.9
      Dec 5.4 55.3 41.7 21.8

      Travel Info

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          Name : Muromachi Dori
          Address : Muromachi Dori, Minami-ku, Kyōto-shi, Kyōto-fu, Japan
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