bikes in the metro or train Tokyo
Practical question: can we take our bikes in the metro or train? We're going to Kamakura this weekend and would like to take them with us in the train (JO - Yokosuka line). Thanks for your answers!
Answer @ 3/16/2018 2:22:18 PM by KieranWhite
Only if in bike bag. There are full body bike bags available, or take out 1 wheel for example. Good bike shops should stock what you need or check on Amazon.
Answer @ 3/19/2018 5:22:18 PM by wornsign
I highly recommend getting off at Kita Kamakura to experience the tranquil valley and beautiful shrines before and easy cycle down to a more central spot. Left side exit possibly better. After engage Ji, take the first left to Meigestsu in. Its a lovely little road following a stream. The shrine near a small bridge. Lots of space to bike and Kita K is a little less crowded generally. You could bike to Kamakura station in 15mins if you really had to so its not far.
Answer @ 3/12/2018 5:22:18 AM by LauraG1976
If you don't want to buy bike bags you can even use plastic garbage bags just as long as the bike is covered. (Your fellow passengers may not appreciate being up against dirty tyres or greasy chains.)

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