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      Landmarks near Alexandra Palace

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Alexandra Palace? Here is our list of options.

      • Guy Chester Centre
        1.09 Km from Alexandra Palace
        The Guy Chester Centre is a large estate of the Methodist Church of Great Britain in Muswell Hill, in north London. The centre plays an important role in north London as a place of residence for young and elderly people, Christian conference centre and community centre.
      • St John, Friern Barnet
        2.71 Km from Alexandra Palace
        St John the Evangelist is an Anglican church on Friern Barnet Road in north London. It is a late example of the Gothic Revival Style by Victorian architect John Loughborough Pearson, begun in 1890-91 and completed after his death by his son Frank Loughborough Pearson. Originating in 1883 as a chapel-of-ease to Friern Barnet parish church it was initially a temporary iron structure on the north side of Friern Barnet Road and known as the school-church of St John, on account of classes being kept ...
      • Haringey Borough F.C.
        2.86 Km from Alexandra Palace
        Haringey Borough Football Club are an English football club based in Tottenham in the London Borough of Haringey. Formed in 1973 by a merger of Edmonton and Wood Green Town, the club are currently members of the Essex Senior League.
      • Upstairs at The Gatehouse
        2.88 Km from Alexandra Palace
        Upstairs at The Gatehouse is a small pub theatre in Highgate in the London Borough of Camden. The venue is a refurbished 1895 auditorium, upstairs from the Gatehouse pub, that has served over the years as a music hall, cinema, Masonic lodge, and a jazz and folk music club that once hosted a performance by Paul Simon. Today, the venue hosts theatrical and cabaret productions. It has presented a mix of off-beat and mainstream shows, including an all-female version of Hamlet, modernistic interpreta...
      • Lauderdale House
        2.92 Km from Alexandra Palace
        Lauderdale House is an arts and education centre based in Waterlow Park, Highgate in north London, England. As an arts centre, it runs an extensive programme of performances, workshops, outreach projects and exhibitions. Lauderdale House was one of the finest country houses in Highgate and was originally built in 1582 with a timber frame. In 1645 it was inherited by the Earl of Lauderdale (hence its name) and in 1666 it was visited by Charles II and Samuel Pepys, while Nell Gwyn is said to have ...
      • Waterlow Park
        2.98 Km from Alexandra Palace
      • The Flask, Highgate
        3.08 Km from Alexandra Palace
        The Flask is a Grade II listed public house at 74–76 Highgate West Hill, Highgate, London. According to the 1936 Survey of London, a pub known as The Flask has stood on this spot since "at least as early as 1663". The present buildings probably date from the early 18th century, and were partially rebuilt in about 1767 by William Carpenter. A Manorial court met there in the eighteenth century. The Flask is currently owned and operated by the London-based Fuller's Brewery.
      • George Padmore Institute
        3.21 Km from Alexandra Palace
        The George Padmore Institute (GPI), founded in 1991 in Stroud Green Road, North London, by John La Rose and a group of political and cultural activists connected to New Beacon Books, is an archive, educational resource and research centre that houses "materials relating to the black community of Caribbean, African and Asian descent in Britain and continental Europe". The Institute also hosts talks and readings, as well as other educational and cultural activities. The archives in the c...
      • New Beacon Books
        3.21 Km from Alexandra Palace
        New Beacon Books is a British publishing house, bookshop, and international book service that specializes in Black British, Caribbean, African, African American and Asian literature. Founded in 1966 by John La Rose and Sarah White, it was the first Caribbean publishing house in England. New Beacon Books is widely recognized as having played an important role in the Caribbean Artists Movement, and in Black British culture more generally. The associated George Padmore Institute is located in the s...
      • Wingate & Finchley F.C.
        3.22 Km from Alexandra Palace
        Wingate & Finchley F.C. is an English football club based in Finchley in the London Borough of Barnet. The club are currently members of the Premier Division of the Isthmian League and play at The Harry Abrahams Stadium. Their previous manager was former Hillingdon Borough manager Gary Meakin who arrived as manager in November 2012 from Southern Football League side Northwood. However Meakin and the club parted company in May 2013 citing both parties had different visions regarding the futur...

      Points of Interest near Alexandra Palace

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Alexandra Palace? Here is our list of options.

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      Climate near Alexandra Palace

      When is the best time of year to go to Alexandra Palace ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Alexandra Palace then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Alexandra Palace in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 3.2 65.8 37.8 25.9
      Feb 3.9 56.2 39 22.1
      Mar 5.5 57.1 41.9 22.5
      Apr 8.1 46.7 46.6 18.4
      May 11.5 52.8 52.7 20.8
      Jun 14.6 57.4 58.3 22.6
      Jul 16.5 63.6 61.7 25
      Aug 16.1 67.1 61 26.4
      Sep 13.7 54.3 56.7 21.4
      Oct 9.7 83.3 49.5 32.8
      Nov 6.2 76.7 43.2 30.2
      Dec 4.2 84.6 39.6 33.3

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        Google Reviews Alexandra Palace

        Here are some reviews of Alexandra Palace - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

        • Alexandra Palace is not just my place of work but a place I skate at in my free time. Tidy rink with a beautiful old structure with an amazing view as you walk outside. Staff are friendly and we will give you appropriate advice with a smile. The cafeteria serves good food and can be fast at times. Long sessions with good ice but sometimes contacting reception can take a while.
        • Lovely open space just off the busy Wood Green high road area ... Worth the steep walk up to the top for amazing views of the city (new & old), plus the palace itself. Great information boards currently on display while they renovate 2/3 of the site, so you can soak up some history (the site of the first ever BBC broadcast) before having a well-earned pint at the pub inside the palace building. The park itself is about 196 acres and includes a lake with lakeside a cafe and now a Go Ape experience for the kids (you have to pay for this).
        • There is refurbishment going on at the moment but we generally go there for the grounds, lake and the bar. Nice place to take children on the boats - a bit expensive. There is a large concrete area which would be good for kids to drive electric cars etc. Great views of London . The bar serves good food, coffee etc. Not bad prices. When we went, car parking was free. Very good garden center 5 minutes walk away
        • Scenic view loads of parking. Space to walk around in tranquility. Market food and skating rink. I recommend it.
        • Really nice concert venue! You can easily see the stage. The views of the city are great.


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          Name : Alexandra Palace Way
          Address : Alexandra Palace Way, London N22 7BB, UK
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