Melbourne City Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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    Users Assigned: redplanettravelboss  
    Melbourne is said to be one of the most pleasant cities in the world in which to live.
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    Hotels near Melbourne City

    Selection of near Melbourne City

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      Landmarks near Melbourne City

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Melbourne City? Here is our list of options.

      • St Mary Star of the Sea, West Melbourne
        2.23 Km from Melbourne City
        St Mary Star of the Sea is one of the most beautiful and historically significant churches in Australia. The foundation stone of St Mary's was laid in 1882 and the building was completed by 1900. Since 2002 restoration has been ongoing to restore the church to its original splendor. Built with seating for over 1,200 people, it has been described as the largest parish church in Melbourne, in Victoria, or even in Australia.
      • Polly Woodside
        2.75 Km from Melbourne City
      • Elizabeth Street Common Ground
        2.77 Km from Melbourne City
        Elizabeth Street Common Ground Supportive Housing in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is a supportive housing project that will provide 161 individuals and families with homes in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne by September 2010. The project is a partnership between the Victorian government which has provided the majority of capital funding; the Federal Government, which has provided capital funding under the ‘A Place to Call Home’ program; the Victorian Property Fund; Yarra Community Housing, a regi...
      • Victoria University, Australia
        3.04 Km from Melbourne City
        Victoria University (VU) is a dual-sector tertiary institution (higher education and TAFE) based in Melbourne, Australia. A public university, VU has seven academic colleges: Arts; Business; Education; Engineering and Science; Health and Biomedicine; Law and Justice; and Sport and Exercise. In addition, vocational education and training is offered at Victoria Institute of Technology, and VU College provides English language classes, pathway diplomas and courses. Postgraduate research students ca...
      • Melbourne's GPO
        3.09 Km from Melbourne City
      • Queens Bridge (Melbourne)
        3.14 Km from Melbourne City
        The Queens Bridge is a historic road bridge over the Yarra River in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The bridge was built in 1889 and has five wrought iron plate girder spans, and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. The bridge was built by contractor David Munro, and replaced a timber footbridge built in 1860. The bridge is a very flat arch, and has five spans constructed of wrought iron plate girders. The bridge rests on iron cylinders filled with concrete, in groups of eight, with arc...
      • Victoria Police
        3.17 Km from Melbourne City
        For the Canadian Force see: Victoria Police Department Victoria Police is the primary law enforcement agency of Victoria, Australia. It was formed in 1853. As of 30 June 2014, Victoria Police has over 14,612 sworn members, along with more than 265 recruits in training, 5 reservists, 1,087 protective services officers and over 2,814 civilian staff across 329 police stations. It has a running cost of some $A2.3bn. Victoria Police enjoys one of the highest community confidence in the world, with mo...
      • Freshwater Place
        3.25 Km from Melbourne City
        Freshwater Place is a premium high-rise residential skyscraper in the Southbank district of Melbourne, Australia. The building stands at 205 metres and is currently the 9th tallest building in Melbourne. It has a total of 536 apartment units. The residential tower has three sections: podium, mid rise and high rise. The high rise section has a common area on the 40th floor known as the "Skyline Club" which houses an infinity pool, spa and steam room, gym and theatre. The 10th which is a...
      • Manchester Unity Building
        3.41 Km from Melbourne City
        The Manchester Unity Building is a neo gothic skyscraper in Melbourne, Australia, constructed in 1932.
      • Eureka Tower
        3.44 Km from Melbourne City
        Eureka Tower is a 297.3-metre (975 ft) skyscraper located in the Southbank precinct of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Construction began in August 2002 and the exterior completed on 1 June 2006. The plaza was finished in June 2006 and the building was officially opened on 11 October 2006. The project was designed by Melbourne architectural firm Fender Katsalidis Architects and was built by Grocon (Grollo Australia). The developer of the tower was Eureka Tower Pty Ltd, a joint venture consisting...

      Points of Interest near Melbourne City

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Melbourne City? Here is our list of options.

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      Exchange Rate History Australia

      Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

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      Currencies fluctuate all the time, to keep updated of rapidly devaluing currencies follow us on Twitter or Facebook , or if you have somewhere special in mind sign up for an account and plan a trip. We will then keep an eye on their currency rates, and send you an alert if their currency goes down in comparison to yours.

      Climate near Melbourne City

      When is the best time of year to go to Melbourne City ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Melbourne City then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Melbourne City in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 19.8 40.9 67.6 16.1
      Feb 20 44.6 68 17.6
      Mar 18.1 50.2 64.6 19.8
      Apr 15.1 49.4 59.2 19.4
      May 12.1 56.6 53.8 22.3
      Jun 9.7 48.5 49.5 19.1
      Jul 9 45.8 48.2 18
      Aug 10.3 52.1 50.5 20.5
      Sep 11.8 59.7 53.2 23.5
      Oct 13.8 63 56.8 24.8
      Nov 15.8 55.2 60.4 21.7
      Dec 18 52.5 64.4 20.7

      Travel Info

      Latest news from Melbourne City

      Events near by Melbourne City

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          Name : Melbourne City
          Address : Melbourne City Melbourne, VIC, Australia
          Website :
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          Website dedicated to this place
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