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    Hotels near Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7

    Selection of near Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7

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      Points of Interest near Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7? Here is our list of options.

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      • Antalya Museum
        Antalya Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. Here you will find a collection of artifacts from different regions of Antalya that give more insights on the history of Antalya. In 1988 the museum was acknowledged and awarded by the Council of Europe as a specially commended museum.

        Its exhibition halls are thematically and chronologically arranged to showcase the details of history of the region. On the display there are numerous eye-catching masterpieces.

        On the displays on the exhibition halls of the museum are marble portraits, ancient coins, statues of emperors, pre historic finds, ceramics and other items that date back to Ottoman and Seljuk periods.

        Fragments of bone thought to be the relics of St Nicholas have been of great interest to tourists visiting the museum.
        Antalya Museum Bahçelievler Mahallesi, Konyaaltı Cd. No:88, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • MarkAntalya
        Mark Antalya is one of the newest modern shopping malls in the city. It is strategically located near the old bus station.
        MarkAntalya Tahılpazarı Mah., Kazım Özalp Caddesi No:84, 07040 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Pepenero
        The restaurant located in the busy city area serves a variety of delicious cuisines.
        Pepenero Deniz Mahallesi, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Deniz
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Deniz, Konyaaltı Cd. No:32, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Antalya

        Antalya is one of the world’s most popular tourist attractions and historic district in Turkey. It is well known for being home to some of the world’s best tourist resorts, holiday villages and several five star tourist hotels and entertainment spots. The city is in close proximity to some of the most popular archaeological sites in the world.

        The mountain and hilly landscape of Antalya provides excellent sites for hiking and skiing. For the lovers of swimming, the city is bound by the Mediterranean Sea with stunning white sandy beaches and clear turquoise water.

        Antalya has distorted in recent times from a busy beach city to a plush, resort ridden spot that is ideal as a Mediterranean break with a cultural twist. The region’s beaches are laden with turtles and scattered with sand so hot they are an effort to walk on. The clear water is ideal for snorkeling and day-trips out on old-school wooden cruise liners, and – despite the overwhelmingly touristic vibe – the city still holds tight to plenty of its history, too.

        The spectacular beaches provide tourist with perfect location for unwinding while sunbathing and basking under the warmth of the sun.

        The city has a population of more than one million people. The prevailing climate in Antalya is Mediterranean climate. The main seasons are winter and summer. Winters are rainy and temperate while summers are hot and dry.    

        Antalya, Turkey
      • Club Arma Restaurant
        It is one of the most exclusive places in Antalya to have great sea food cuisines. It is located in the harbor area.
        Club Arma Restaurant Selçuk Mh., İskele Cd. No:75, 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Yivliminare Mosque
        The historical building is commonly referred to as Alaadin Mosque. Being the first Turkish structure in Antalya, it is located in Kaleci was built based on Seljuk architectural design.

        The mosque is the part of complex structures, Kulliyet that comprises of Dervish lodge, Seljuk, Giyaseddin Keyhusrev Medrese and vaults of Zincirkiran and Nigar Hatun.

        The mosque is famous for Yivli Minare (a fluted minaret), which is beautifully decorated using dark blue colored porcelain tiles.

        The base of the structure is made of cut stone while rest of the body with a square plan is made of red bricks. The Yivli Minare 38-meters in height, is a symbol of the city.

        The structure is believed to be built between 1219 and 1236 during the reign of Sultan Aladdin Keykubat. The mosque is covered by six domes and has two rows held by twelve columns.

        The mosque was converted from a church in 1230 by Seljuk sultan.
        Yivliminare Mosque Selçuk Mh., 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Selçuk
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Selçuk, Uzun Çarşı Sk., 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Kışla
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Kışla, Cumhuriyet Cd., 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey
      • Clock Tower
        It is located along Cumhuriyet Street in close proximity to Yivli minaret mosque. The domed tower was built during the reign of Abdulhamid II. Clock tower is a square bodied structure that has four clocks on its four corners.
        Clock Tower Tuzcular Mahallesi, Uzun Çarşı Sk. No:3, 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey

      Exchange Rate History Turkey

      Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

      Select your home currency from the drop down to compare it to the currency in use in Turkey.

      Currencies fluctuate all the time, to keep updated of rapidly devaluing currencies follow us on Twitter or Facebook , or if you have somewhere special in mind sign up for an account and plan a trip. We will then keep an eye on their currency rates, and send you an alert if their currency goes down in comparison to yours.

      Climate near Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7

      When is the best time of year to go to Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7 ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7 then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7 in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 10.3 286.1 50.5 112.6
      Feb 10.9 185.7 51.6 73.1
      Mar 13.1 109.3 55.6 43
      Apr 16.6 46.2 61.9 18.2
      May 20.7 31.7 69.3 12.5
      Jun 25.3 10.7 77.5 4.2
      Jul 28.4 2.3 83.1 0.9
      Aug 28.2 2.2 82.8 0.9
      Sep 25 16.4 77 6.5
      Oct 20.4 71.3 68.7 28.1
      Nov 15.9 121.4 60.6 47.8
      Dec 12 292.6 53.6 115.2

      Travel Info

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          Name : Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7
          Address : Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7 Özgürlük Mahallesi, Mehmet Akif Cd. No:7, 07025 Kepez/Antalya, Turkey
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