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    Landmarks near Attleboro Motor Inn

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    Points of Interest near Attleboro Motor Inn

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Attleboro Motor Inn? Here is our list of options.

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    • Wellness Rising LLC
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      85 Industrial Cir #2202, Lincoln, RI 02865, USA
    • 314 Taunton Ave
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      314 Taunton Ave, East Providence, RI 02914, USA
    • Providence

      Providence, Rhode island's state capital is a fighter. After its trade departed for the South in the 1950s, it’s jumped back as a cultural centre with a flourishing art group. Providences historic east side was safe the destroying ball in the built up urge of the 1960s, leaving entire sheet of foreign houses completed.

      Providence is divided in half by the Providence River, which until the last 10 years, flowed under the streets. In an urban beautification project led by the famous Mayor "Buddy" Cianci, the river was rerouted and again exposed with elegant paths along the banks and a frequent "Water Fire" event that turns the downtown area into a Venice-like celebration with gondolas tending to fires in metal baskets that run up the spine of the waterway - quite a sight in the summer, and a warming experience (as long as you have a hot cup of cocoa and a blanket) during the New England Winter. North of the river and I-95, is the quintessential Italian neighborhood on Federal Hill where some of this world's best restaurants are located (really).

      Don't forget the sprawling Roger Williams Park, and the downtown arts and theater districts as well.

      Providence, RI, USA
    • The Grange
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      The Grange 166 Broadway, Providence, RI 02903, USA
    • 16 International Way
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      16 International Way, Warwick, RI 02886, USA
    • Rhode Island
      While it might be the smallest state in the U.S., and you might be able to drive across the width of it in 45 minutes, and yes, it was the last state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, more commonly known simply as Rhode Island, or “The Ocean State”, is nevertheless a wonder to behold. With over 400 miles of coastline on the easternmost border of the United States, and cities such as Providence, Narragansett, and Pawtucket, there's definitely more than meets the eye to this tiny state.

      Despite having just over 1 million people within its borders, and being the smallest state, Rhode Island is nevertheless full of pride when it comes to what the state has to offer. And rightfully so, because there's just as much history here as there is in states such as Pennsylvania or Massachusetts. Rhode Island is one of the original 13 colonies who declared independence from British rule, and places like Providence and Newport have been around since nearly the inception of the country. Meanwhile, Pawtucket was the starting place of the American Industrial Revolution, and set against the backdrop of the Blackstone River makes for one of the most picturesque New England towns in the nation.

      Meanwhile, the coastal scene of Rhode Island is nearly bursting with opportunities, from the world-famous Cliff Walk along the Atlantic coast, to Block Island, Narragansett Bay, or Aquidneck Island, home to the “City by the Sea”, or Newport as it is more commonly known. The headquarters of Brown University at College Hill combines 18th-century wood-framed houses against the setting of Providence itself for a positively breath-taking experience. All in all, the combination of scenic beaches, New England atmosphere, and American history make for a trip that should definitely be part of your itinerary, regardless of what time of year it happens to be.
      Rhode Island, USA
    • 776 Centre St
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      776 Centre St, Brockton, MA 02302, USA
    • Newport

      One of New England's oldest towns, and one of America's first playgrounds for the super-rich, Newport, Rhode Island has been a land of splendid resorts, motels, and breakfast spots through the whole year for families to joy.

      This seaside town has shopping, great dining and plenty of tourist attractions along cobblestone streets. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Newport comes alive as one of the biggest college party towns in New England. Don't miss the Newport mansions, summer homes of America's early industrial giants around the turn of the last century, such as the Vanderbilts and the Astors.

      Trinity Church and Fort Adams are also major attractions. Between the mansions and the ocean is the Newport Cliff Walk, a paved trail along the ocean that offers great views of both the sea and the mansions. Rich in history dating back to the 1600s, Newport has long since been considered a center of maritime activities. Not only did it used to host the America's Cup regatta, but the United States Navy has also had a long-time presence here as a center of its underwater warfare center, surface warfare, and the Naval War College.

      The Naval Academy was temporarily based in Newport during the Civil War and JFK trained at its PT Boat school during WWII. Newport is also home to the Tennis Hall Of Fame and miles of beaches.

      Newport, RI, USA
    • Rockland
      The City of Rockland is located about 42 miles to the east of Augusta Maine which is the state capital and is located in Knox County. Its main industry is comercial fishing and lobstering. Rockland harbor is protected by a mile long granite wall leading out to the lighthouse giving the harbor some protection for the boats docked there.

      The town's main street has retail shops, bars and restaurants, banks and hotels. Rockland also is home to the Maine Lobster Festival and the North Atlantic Blues Festival which take place during the summer months.
      Rockland, MA, USA
    • Braintree
      A municipality south of Boston, Braintree is favored by commuters into the city because of easy transport links by rail, subway or the highway. Traffic can be an issue on I-93 at the infamous Braintree Split where other highways merge in. Access to Logan Airport is also easy via shuttles or driving.

      The town is split between residential, light industrial and commercial. There aren't a whole lot of tourist activities but there is plenty of shopping at South Shore plaza and good food nearby. The prices of lodging tend to be high so it may not be worth the cost if you're touring Boston but it is an option because the transit to and from the city is easy.
      Braintree, MA, USA

    Exchange Rate History United States

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    Climate near Attleboro Motor Inn

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Attleboro Motor Inn? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Attleboro Motor Inn in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan -1.7 144.5 28.9 56.9
    Feb -1.9 130.7 28.6 51.5
    Mar 2.5 128.9 36.5 50.7
    Apr 8 111.7 46.4 44
    May 13.9 98.5 57 38.8
    Jun 18.8 84.7 65.8 33.3
    Jul 21.8 91.9 71.2 36.2
    Aug 20.9 117 69.6 46.1
    Sep 17.2 93.2 63 36.7
    Oct 11.6 98.5 52.9 38.8
    Nov 5.8 120.6 42.4 47.5
    Dec 0.3 133.2 32.5 52.4

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      Google Reviews Attleboro Motor Inn

      Here are some reviews of Attleboro Motor Inn - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

      • They have cockroaches, asked for a refund and the manager was rude and said no refunds, there was also a pregnant woman who experienced the same thing a few rooms down from me. I plan on contacting the department of health.
      • Nice location near expressway. Close to Providence. The staff is friendly and clean. Breakfast is decent.
      • The one night I was there...woke up and water was running brown! Couldn't even shower BEFORE WORK! No discount... Terrible experience. Charge is $77 but credit card stated $89! BEWARE
      • Horrible , lights didn't turn on . I booked it because it had stated that there was an indoor pool . Comes to find out they didn't . Ghetto loud people here . Just plain nasty .Big no
      • Rooms are not very clean


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        Name : Attleboro Motor Inn
        Address : Attleboro Motor Inn 1116 Washington St, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA
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        3/3/2017 1:10:25 PM
        3/3/2017 1:10:25 PM