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      Landmarks near Sekigahara

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Sekigahara? Here is our list of options.

      • Nagahama Castle
        18.71 Km from Sekigahara
        Nagahama Castle (長浜城, Nagahama-jō) is a hirashiro (castle on a plain) located in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
      • Hikone Castle
        21.91 Km from Sekigahara
        Hikone Castle (彦根城, Hikone-jō) is an Japanese Edo-period castle in the city of Hikone, in Shiga Prefecture. It is considered the most significant historical building in Shiga. Hikone is one of only 12 Japanese castles with the original keep, and one of only four castles listed as a national treasure.
      • Kanesue
        32.26 Km from Sekigahara
        Kanesue Co., Ltd. (株式会社カネスエ, Kabushiki-gaisha Kanesue) is a company that operates a chain of supermarkets in Japan. The company operates in Aichi, Mie, and Gifu. The company is headquartered in Ichinomiya, Aichi. This Member to the CGC Japan.
      • Yunoyama Onsen
        39.36 Km from Sekigahara
      • Kuwana Castle
        39.53 Km from Sekigahara
        Kuwana Castle (桑名城, Kuwana-jō) is a Japanese castle located in Kuwana, northern Mie Prefecture, Japan. At the end of the Edo period, Kuwana Castle was home to a branch the Matsudaira clan, daimyō of Kuwana Domain. The castle was also known as "Ōgi-jō" (扇城) or "Asahi-jō" (旭城).
      • Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts
        46.48 Km from Sekigahara
      • Kanegasaki-gū
        48.68 Km from Sekigahara
        Kanegasaki Shrine (金崎宮, Kanegasaki-gū) is a Shinto shrine located in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Its main festival is held annually on May 6. It was founded in 1890, and enshrines the kami of Prince Takanaga and Prince Tsunenaga. It is one of the Fifteen Shrines of the Kenmu Restoration. In the former Modern system of ranked Shinto Shrines, it was an imperial shrine of the second rank (官幣中社, Kanpei-chūsha).

      Points of Interest near Sekigahara

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Sekigahara? Here is our list of options.

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      • Sekigahara Warland

        When Hideyoshi dies in 1598, he had hoped to have his five-year-old son continue his “dynasty,” initially under the tutelage of five regents. But one of the regents was Leyasu Tokugawa, who had been biding his time at Edo for 12 years, nurturing dynastic ambitions of his own. Of the cunning, ruthless triumvirate that came out on top at the end of the country’s century of civil war, Tokugawa was without doubt the most patient, the most prudent- and most treacherous. Tokugawa crushed his rivals in the year 1600 at the Battle of Sekigahara.

        During its subsequent two and half centuries of rule from the new capital established at Edo, the Tokugawa organized a tightly controlled coalition of some 260 daimyo in strategic strongholds throughout the country. The allegiance of this highly privileged and prestigious group was ensured by cementing their ethical principles in the code of bushido, “the way of the warrior”: loyalty to one’s master, defense of one’s status and honor, and fulfillment obligations. Loyalty was further enforced by holding the vassals wives and children hostage in Edo. All roads into Edo, the most famous being the Tokaido Highway, had checkpoints for guns coming in and for wives going out.

        One of the most effective ways of keeping a tight rein on the country was to cut it off from the outside world, to keep Japan Japanese. At first, leyasu Tokugawa was eager to promote foreign trade. He wanted silk and encouraged the Dutch and British as good, nonproselytizing Protestants just interested in trade. But he didn’t like the Portuguese and Spanish Catholic missionaries, who he felt were undermining traditional Japanese values. He banned their activities in 1612 and two years later ordered the expulsion of all missionaries and unrepentant Japanese converts. Executions and torture followed. Converts were forced to renounce their faith by trampling crucifixes and effigies of Jesus and Mary.

        The Catholic Church has counted 3125 martyrs in Japan from 1597 (beginning under Hideyoshi) to 1660. In 1635 the Japanese were forbidden, on pain of death, to attempt to travel abroad, and Japanese citizens already overseas were prevented from returning, in case they brought back subversive Christian doctrines. Western books were banned, as were Chinese books that mentioned Christianity. After the purge of foreigners, only a few stayed on, strictly confined to Dejima Island in Nagasaki Bay.

        The isolation slowed Japan’s technological and institutional progress almost to a half. But it also had the effect of permitting a great, distinctive cultural growth with a strong national identity. The Tokugawa thus celebrated the ancestral religion of Shinto- glorified by the monumentally opulent shrines they built at Nikko. Combining Shinto ritual with official Buddhist conformity, they revved the Confucian ideals of filial piety and obedience to authority to bolster their government.

        Commerce thrived, partly in response to the large cities that were up around the castles at Edo (population already 1 million in the 18th century ), Osaka (400,00) and Nagoya and Kanazawa ( each 100,000) – all huge in comparison with European cities of the time. Japan’s overall population in the 18th century was already about 30 million.

        Merchants played an active role in creating the urban culture that burgeoned at the end of the 17th century, the so called Genroku era. Before these hard-working family men went home from work, they liked to drink strong alcohol in the company of actresses and prostitute. These were the forerunners of the geisha- literally “accomplished person” – with a beauty and refinement that the merchants did not seek in their wives, whom they valued for their childbearing and good housekeeping. These were also halcyon days for the classic noh theater, the more popular kabuki, and the puppet theater (today’s bunraku) at Osaka, which was a Japan’s cultural capital at a time when Edo had more politicians and soldiers that artists.

        In the end it was the very rigidity of their unshared control of the country that brought about the downfall of the Tokugawa. Without access to foreign markets, there was no way to counter the rash of catastrophes- Plague, drought, floods, and famine at the end of the 18th century. Uprisings in the towns and countryside began to pose serious threats to the shogun’s authority. The Tokugawa reaction was characteristic: a reinforcement of the austere values of the samurai and rigorous clamp-down on the merchants’ high life. There was no more gambling, prostitutes were arrested, and men and women were segregated in the public bathhouse, with naked government spies to enforce the (short lived) new rules.

        Sekigahara Warland Japan, 〒503-1501 Gifu-ken, 不破郡Sekigahara-chō, 関ケ原町関ケ原1701−6
      • Yokaichi Station
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Yokaichi Station, 1 Yōkaichihamanochō, Higashiōmi-shi, Shiga-ken 527-0011, Japan
      • Nagoya
        Despite being a sizeable city (Japan’s fourth largest), Nagoya seems to account for a minimal tourist draw. Perhaps it’s the financial focus, or the abundance of car manufacturing plants that put visitors off (Toyota, Mitsubishi and Honda are all based here), or perhaps it’s the lack of headline-making sights. Whatever it is, Nagoya has more to offer than most realize, if only for being the most authentic of Japanese experiences.

        Ask local what the main tourist attraction is, and they’ll probably point you in the direction of Nagoya Castle, a replica of the original, though most visitors might be more excited by the Atsuta Shrine, home to more than 70 festivals a year and countless impressive imperial relics. The Nagoya/ Boston Museum of Fine Arts houses the overflow from its American counterpart and makes for an impressive aside in its own right, while the Toyota Automobile Museum displays a mammoth selection of cars from a range of international manufacturers.

        It’s not the sights that will get you excited about Nagoya, though, it’s the authentic taste of big city Japan. By hosting a less than impressive array of must-sees, the city instead becomes a friendly, open place to make the most of attractions like ornate parks, street-side stalls and local theatre, that somehow seem more genuine than elsewhere. Sumo is a big sport here, and watching the sizable contestants slap against each other amongst a baying crowd is as memorable as Tokyo’s Imperial Palace or Kyoto’s lines of delicate scripted pillars could ever be.

        If you do want to get out, though, Inuyama, Gifu and Okazaki Castles – each more old and enticing than the city center's version – are within a comfortable day trip, while Ise – the home of a shrine so holy you’ll find yourself slipping into an instinctive quiet reverence – is also within easy drop in distance.

        Nagoya almost certainly didn’t cross your mind as a potential stop off when first planning a trip to Japan, but the more involved in Eastern culture you become, the more enticing it is. By the time you leave, you might find this lively industrial city all but essential.
        Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

      Exchange Rate History Japan

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      Climate near Sekigahara

      When is the best time of year to go to Sekigahara ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Sekigahara then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Sekigahara in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 3 135 37.4 53.1
      Feb 3.3 118 37.9 46.5
      Mar 6.4 130 43.5 51.2
      Apr 11.4 139 52.5 54.7
      May 16.6 134 61.9 52.8
      Jun 21.2 216 70.2 85
      Jul 25.9 190 78.6 74.8
      Aug 26.9 135 80.4 53.1
      Sep 22.9 225 73.2 88.6
      Oct 16.5 141 61.7 55.5
      Nov 11 102 51.8 40.2
      Dec 6 116 42.8 45.7

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          Name : Sekigahara
          Address : Sekigahara, Fuwa District, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
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