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Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Nippon Maru Memorial Park? Here is our list of options.
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Situated 20 km (12.5 miles southwest of Tokyo, Yokohama was an unimportant little fishing village until 1854, when Japan’s long centuries of self-imposed isolation came to an end.
Foreign diplomat’s traders, and missionaries where at last able to enter the country. But the unrest they inspired prompted the Tokugawa government to move theme all here to guarded compound on the village flats ostensibly to guarantee their safety, but more importantly to contain the contamination of their uncouth way’s and ideas.
The ploy worked well enough until the Meiji Restoration, when those Western ideas where needed to modernize the country. In 1869 Yokohama became an international port, and the burgeoning international community quickly spread beyond its confinement to the high ground still known today as the Bluff. In 1872 Japan’s first railway went into service between Yokohama and Tokyo, and the city began to flourish.
The two cities have twice shared the same destructive fate. The great Kanto earthquake of 1923 destroyed some 60000 homes in Yokohama and took over 20000 lives. The next twenty years of reconstruction and growth were wiped out overnight, in may 1945, when American bomber leveled nearly half the city. the harbor was hastily restored during the Korean War and today is one of the busiest and most important trading ports in the world.
With a population of some three million, Yokohama no longer sits in Tokyo‘s shadow. In many respects, in fact, it is the more cosmopolitan city preferred by many residents of the greater metropolitan area as a place to live the work. If you are on a short visit to Japan, your excursion time might be better spent elsewhere. But Yokohama’s great waterfront, port redevelopment project, museums, and restaurants should still keep it high on your list.
Japan’s austere, ruthless, but statesmanlike new ruler, Yoritomo Minamoto set up his government in Kamakura well away from the “softening” influence of court life that had been the undoing of his predecessor, Kiyomori, First of the national rulers to take the title of sei=I tai-shogun (“barbarian-sub-during great general”), Minamoto expanded and consolidated his power by confiscating lands form some of the defeated Taira and redistributing them to his samurai vassals.
Minamoto died in 1199, and the feudal structure passed intact to the tutelage of his widow’s family, the Hojo, who were content to paly regent to a figurehead shogun, in much the same way as the Fujiwara had done with the emperor. The fiction of Japanese imperial power had become infinitely extendable, the emperor at Kyto- still seconded by a Fujiwara regent at court—legitimized a minamoto who was himself a military dictator controlled by a Hojo regent. In a country where form and substance were inextricably interrelated, two things counted in politics: symbolic authority and real power. Neither could exist without the other.
A thwarted Mongol invasion in 1274 weakened the Kamakura regime. The fighting brought none of the usual spoils of war that provincial warlords and samurai had come to expect as payment. And the treasury was empty after earthquake, famine and plague had crippled the economy. Buddhist monasteries were using their private armies to support imperial ambitions to bring power back to Kyoto. Worst of all the Kamakura warriors resenting the way the Kyoto court referred to them as “Eastern barbarians,” sought refinement in a ruinous taste for luxury: extravagant feasts, rice costumes, and opulent homes. Kamakura was falling apart.
Located in Shinagawa which is, otherwise not very rich in tourist attractions; this is one gem that should not be missed.
Sengakuki is a temple that evokes one of the most popular stories in all of premodern Japanese history.
Thousands of visitors come annually to Sengakuji to lay incense on the tombstones and walk through the small museum called Hall of the Loyal Retainers, where weapons, personal effects, and other memorabilia are preserved.
Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.
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Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Nippon Maru Memorial Park? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below
Graphic showing average weather in Nippon Maru Memorial Park in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)
Month | Temp °C | Rainfall Cm | Temp °F | Rainfall Inches |
Jan | 4.6 | 63.9 | 40.3 | 25.2 |
Feb | 4.8 | 100.7 | 40.6 | 39.6 |
Mar | 8.1 | 131.6 | 46.6 | 51.8 |
Apr | 13.5 | 160 | 56.3 | 63 |
May | 17.7 | 143.8 | 63.9 | 56.6 |
Jun | 21.4 | 190.2 | 70.5 | 74.9 |
Jul | 25.6 | 140.7 | 78.1 | 55.4 |
Aug | 26.7 | 196 | 80.1 | 77.2 |
Sep | 23.3 | 271.3 | 73.9 | 106.8 |
Oct | 17.4 | 238.9 | 63.3 | 94.1 |
Nov | 12.3 | 120.2 | 54.1 | 47.3 |
Dec | 7.4 | 94.3 | 45.3 | 37.1 |
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