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    Accommodation near Hillhead Student Village

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    Selection of near Hillhead Student Village

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      Landmarks near Hillhead Student Village

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Hillhead Student Village? Here is our list of options.

      • St Machar's Cathedral
        0.65 Km from Hillhead Student Village
      • Dubford, Aberdeen
        2.40 Km from Hillhead Student Village
      • Bon Accord & St Nicholas
        3.01 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        The Bon Accord & St Nicholas Shopping Centres are together the second-largest shopping centre complex in Aberdeen, Scotland and serve a large catchment area including the city and surrounding Aberdeenshire. The shopping centres were originally two separate entities, St. Nicholas Shopping Centre and Bon Accord Shopping Centre, and since opening (in 1985 and 1990 respectively) they have formed one of the most dense retailing areas in Aberdeen. The centre is split into two buildings which effec...
      • The Academy Shopping Centre
        3.13 Km from Hillhead Student Village
      • Trinity Centre, Aberdeen
        3.35 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        The Trinity Centre (known as "The Mall Aberdeen" from 2006 to Dec 2009, and before that as Trinity Shopping Centre) is a one floor shopping centre in Aberdeen, Scotland. It has a two level Gold Award Car Park. There are 408 spaces and the main entrance is on Wapping Street. Wider spaces are available for parents and children and the disabled. Car Valeting services are now also provided. The centre is located in the middle of the city with entrances on Union Street (the city's main shop...
      • Tivoli Theatre, Aberdeen
        3.41 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        The Tivoli Theatre, is a theatre in Aberdeen, Scotland, opened in 1872 as Her Majesty's Theatre and was built by the Aberdeen Theatre and Opera House Company Ltd, under architects James Matthews of Aberdeen and C.B. Phipps, a London-based architect brought in to consult. The auditorium was rebuilt in 1897 by theatre architect Frank Matcham, but then closed temporarily in 1906, following the opening of the larger His Majesty's Theatre. The smaller theatre was extensively reconstructed in 1909, ag...
      • Murcar Links Golf Club
        3.53 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        Murcar Links Golf Club is a golf club in northern Aberdeen, Scotland, to the north of the Royal Aberdeen Golf Club. The 18-hole, par 71, 6,156 yard course was established in 1909. and the course was designed by Archie Simpson. The website top100golfcourses.co.uk ranks it as the fourth best course in Aberdeenshire and the 45th best course in Scotland, and the Scottish Golf Union cites it as "one of the most celebrated courses in Scotland". In 2006 the club hosted the European Challenge ...
      • Union Square Aberdeen
        3.59 Km from Hillhead Student Village
      • Friendville (manor house)
        5.20 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        Friendville is a large manor house and estate in the Mannofield area of Aberdeen, Scotland, operated as a hireable exclusive use venue. It is notable for being situated in the city of Aberdeen itself yet containing an estate and gardens that are more commonly found in rural country houses. Friendville house is a category B listed building and the oldest residential property still in use in Aberdeen. It is one of Aberdeen's most valuable properties.
      • Mannofield
        5.45 Km from Hillhead Student Village
        Mannofield is an affluent, middle class area of Aberdeen, Scotland. It is situated in the west end of the city and is accessible by travelling through the A93 Aberdeen - Perth road, the A90 Edinburgh to Fraserburgh road and the A96 (via the A90). Mannofield is also a short walking distance away from Aberdeen City Centre and has good road and bus links to the city and beyond. Much of Aberdeen's water is supplied by the water works / reservoir on St John's Terrace and the reservoir on Craigton Roa...

      Points of Interest near Hillhead Student Village

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Hillhead Student Village? Here is our list of options.

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      Exchange Rate History United Kingdom

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      Climate near Hillhead Student Village

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      Graphic showing average weather in Hillhead Student Village in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 2.8 91.6 37 36.1
      Feb 3.1 74.8 37.6 29.4
      Mar 4.2 71.6 39.6 28.2
      Apr 6.2 60.6 43.2 23.9
      May 8.8 67.4 47.8 26.5
      Jun 11.8 54.8 53.2 21.6
      Jul 13.5 82.1 56.3 32.3
      Aug 13.3 81.5 55.9 32.1
      Sep 11.4 76.3 52.5 30
      Oct 8.4 96.4 47.1 38
      Nov 5.2 103 41.4 40.6
      Dec 3.4 103.2 38.1 40.6

      Travel Info

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        Google Reviews Hillhead Student Village

        Here are some reviews of Hillhead Student Village - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

        • Hall accommodation is far too expensive for what it is, bedrooms a bit like cells. Fair while away from the city centre too. That said, plenty of fun to be had here
        • Great memories from this place. I believe it's been revamped since I was there too!
        • Okay place. But very slow to fix problems
        • The student village is safe with a wide range of accommodation types to suit every budget. There is a shop on sight and soon to be a licensed cafe as well. It's within walking distance of the university but it's only downside is its distance from town which is either a 40 minute walk or a bus that's on the expensive side. Lidl is the nearby supermarket.
        • You can do so much here. You can eat here and do lot of activities
        • This is so much better than I expected. Great for students. Very organized and clean. Kitchen has all the appliances that you need. The staff is very friendly and helpful.
        • Looking much better here than when I was at Uni. Facilities and amenities on site. Located near beautiful Seating Park. These are more expensive accomodation, but not the most expensive.
        • Nice and tidy place.
        • Staying at Grant court, solid university accommodation I reckon, quite expensive, though..
        • Very good
        • Pretty nice, though I wish I could open the windows fully


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          Name : Hillhead Student Village
          Address : Hillhead Student Village Don St, Aberdeen AB24 1WU, UK
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