Eugene Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    Eugene is a lovely little city about two hours from Portland. It is very green, with many beautiful trees and plants throughout. It rains frequently throughout the fall, winter and spring, but then experiences approximately three months of sunshine and agreeable temperatures. It also feature massive mountains that are breathtaking, even in cloudy weather.

    The food is great, and most places serve organic and all natural cuisines. You can easily get the freshest and most succulent food and beverages. They do this by not only stressing the importance of organic/natural movement, but also that of purchasing their food from local sources.

    You will also notice that in staying true to this town's progressive nature, it has followed suit with Portland in stressing the importance of limiting the use of vehicles through a very bicycle and pedestrian friendly atmosphere/roads.

    They have fun parks you can hang out at or even picnic along the river and laze around. It's a really relaxing and mellow place to be! It's definitely a great place to "get away from it all". There is a general "hippie" feel to the place, and also a college town vibe as Eugene is home to the University of Oregon Ducks.
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    Hotels near Eugene

    Landmarks near Eugene

    Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Eugene? Here is our list of options.

    • Eugene Hotel
      0.33 Km from Eugene
      The Eugene Hotel is a historic hotel building in Eugene, Oregon, United States. The hotel was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. In 1983, the building was adapted for use as retirement housing.
    • Eugene Saturday Market
      0.38 Km from Eugene
      The Eugene Saturday Market is an outdoor craft market in Eugene, Oregon. It is the oldest weekly open-air crafts market in the United States. It has a festival atmosphere that includes live performers as well craft booths and food vendors. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people visit the market every Saturday.
    • Oakway Center
      3.68 Km from Eugene
      The Oakway Center is a shopping center in Eugene, Oregon. It is one of the 3 shopping malls in the area. The Annual Sales are $1 to 2.5 million (D&B: $1,300,000*). Oakway Center is anchored by Bed Bath and Beyond, Old Navy, Pier One, and Trader Joe's. It opened in 1966 as Oakway Mall, with an Albertsons supermarket, Tiffany's Drugstore, and Oakway Department Store as anchors. The Oakway store closed after only six years and was subdivided. Albertsons moved to a new store in 1990 and converte...
    • Lost Valley Educational Center
      27.36 Km from Eugene
      Lost Valley Educational Center is an intentional community and ecovillage located on 87 acres (350,000 m2) acres of mostly forested land in Dexter, Oregon, United States, approximately 18 miles (29 km) miles southeast of Eugene. The center was founded in 1989 and is located on the grounds of the old headquarters of the Shiloh Youth Revival Centers. The non-profit educational center is dedicated to the practices of non-violent communication and personal growth, permaculture, sustainability, and ...

    Points of Interest near Eugene

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Eugene? Here is our list of options.

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    Exchange Rate History United States

    Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

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    Climate near Eugene

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Eugene? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Eugene in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan 3.9 213.3 39 84
    Feb 5.9 169.6 42.6 66.8
    Mar 7.6 135.7 45.7 53.4
    Apr 10.4 68.3 50.7 26.9
    May 13.2 54.8 55.8 21.6
    Jun 15.9 38.3 60.6 15.1
    Jul 19 10.9 66.2 4.3
    Aug 18.8 13.7 65.8 5.4
    Sep 16.7 40 62.1 15.7
    Oct 12 108.7 53.6 42.8
    Nov 7.6 205.8 45.7 81
    Dec 5.1 194.8 41.2 76.7

    Travel Info

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        Name : Eugene
        Address : Eugene, OR, USA
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