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    Accommodation near Haar

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    Hotels near Haar

    Landmarks near Haar

    Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Haar? Here is our list of options.

    • Neue Messe München
      3.74 Km from Haar
      Neue Messe München is an exhibition center in the Messestadt Riem area in the eastern district of Munich Trudering-Riem built in 1994 until 1998. It is operated by Messe München.
    • Munich Kammerspiele
      11.52 Km from Haar
    • Hofbräuhaus am Platzl
      11.71 Km from Haar
      The Hofbräuhaus am Platzl is a beer hall in Munich, Germany, originally built in 1589 by Bavarian Duke Maximilian I as an extension of the Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München brewery. The general public was admitted in 1828 by Ludwig I. The building was completely remodeled in 1897 by Max Littmann when the brewery moved to the suburbs. Everything but the ground floor ("Schwemme") was destroyed in the bombing of WW II; it took until 1958 to be rebuilt.
    • Oktoberfest
      13.78 Km from Haar
      Oktoberfest is the world's largest Volksfest (beer festival and travelling funfair). Held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, it is a 16-day folk festival running from late September to the first weekend in October, with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year. Locally, it is often simply called Wiesn, after the colloquial name of the fairgrounds (Theresienwiese) themselves. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since...
    • Bavaria Film
      14.37 Km from Haar
      Bavaria Film in Munich, Germany is one of Europe's largest film production companies, with some 30 subsidiaries.
    • Allianz Arena
      14.45 Km from Haar
      The Allianz Arena [ʔaˈli̯ant͡s ʔaˈʁeːna] is a football stadium in Munich, Bavaria, Germany with a 75,024 seating capacity. Widely known for its exterior of inflated ETFE plastic panels, it is the first stadium in the world with a full color-changing color exterior. Located at 25 Werner-Heisenberg-Allee at the northern edge of Munich's Schwabing-Freimann borough on the Fröttmaning Heath, it is the third largest arena in Germany behind Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund and the Olympiastadion in Berlin...
    • European Southern Observatory
      17.24 Km from Haar
      The European Southern Observatory (ESO, formally: European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere; French: Observatoire européen austral) is a 16-nation intergovernmental research organisation for astronomy. Created in 1962, ESO has provided astronomers with state-of-the-art research facilities and access to the southern sky. The organisation employs about 730 staff members and receives annual member state contributions of approximately €131 million. Its observatories ...
    • Therme Erding
      23.05 Km from Haar
      Therme Erding is the largest thermal bath complex in Europe at 145,000 square metres (36 acres). It is 30 minutes northeast of Munich by car and is visited by around 4000 people every day.
    • Dachau Palace
      27.59 Km from Haar
      The Dachau Palace is a former residence of the rulers of Bavaria at Dachau, southern Germany.
    • Weihenstephan Abbey
      31.67 Km from Haar
      Weihenstephan Abbey (Kloster Weihenstephan) was a Benedictine monastery in Weihenstephan, now part of the district of Freising, in Bavaria, Germany. Brauerei Weihenstephan, located at the monastery site since at least 1040, is said to be the world's oldest continuously operating brewery.

    Points of Interest near Haar

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Haar? Here is our list of options.

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    • Munich
      It might not be Germany’s capital, but Munich is certainly Bavaria’s, and that comes with its own revered role. Reveling in its place as the heartland of its own traditions, where Lederhosen and beer halls are still part of every day life, and local wealth shines through. Munich is a serious rival to Berlin, steeped in both notable culture and flashy materialism, and home to an enviable music scene. Munich is famous for its beer and many consider it to be the world’s beer capital.

      Oktoberfest (which actually finishes in early October, and runs from mid September) is the time to go if you like a good party. Beer swilling tents, girls in traditional dress pulling pints and fair ground rides galore come to town, and nobody’s sober for an entire fortnight. It’s a 177-year-old tradition with free entry, when half the world seems to descend on the town and its rustic old market stalls, each displaying their regional flags and selling uniquely German products.

      Munich’s well worth seeing year round, though. If you can’t make it in late September, the summer sees Bavarians flee the city nearly every weekend to hike amongst the foothills of the Alps, while the same pattern takes over in winter, with skiing the aim. Back in the city, Marianplatz – an intensely popular city center square surrounded by traditional buildings – is home to the old Glockenspiel (ornate clock) and comes to life at night, with traditional stalls at the incredible Christmas Markets and beer in the streets in the sunny summer evenings.

      The Deutsches Museums is the world’s largest – and probably the world’s most intriguing – science museum, while the 17th century grandiose of the Nymphenberg Palace is a huge sprawling complex, home to a vast garden and built around an ornate Italian Villa, a destination that can easily fill an entire day in your schedule. The Greek Temples and Chinese teahouses of the ‘Englischer Garden’ are also worthy of some time, as is the BMW factory tour, which includes an impressive museum.

      The best thing about Munich, though, is its sense of individualism, and the vibrant atmosphere this engenders. Weekends in the mountains, weekdays in beer halls sipping beer from astoundingly over-sized glasses, and days delving deep into an intriguing local culture, keep visitors busy - and happy, throughout their stay - however long that may be.
      Munich, Germany
    • Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 28, 80807 München, Germany
    • Gasthof zur Post Erding
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      Gasthof zur Post Erding Friedrich-Fischer-Straße 6, 85435 Erding, Germany

    Exchange Rate History Germany

    Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

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    Currencies fluctuate all the time, to keep updated of rapidly devaluing currencies follow us on Twitter or Facebook , or if you have somewhere special in mind sign up for an account and plan a trip. We will then keep an eye on their currency rates, and send you an alert if their currency goes down in comparison to yours.

    Climate near Haar

    When is the best time of year to go to Haar ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Haar then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

    Graphic showing average weather in Haar in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan -1.9 62.2 28.6 24.5
    Feb -1.1 50 30 19.7
    Mar 2.8 55.7 37 21.9
    Apr 7 76.8 44.6 30.2
    May 11.8 91.3 53.2 35.9
    Jun 14.8 115.6 58.6 45.5
    Jul 16.5 125.2 61.7 49.3
    Aug 16.2 103.7 61.2 40.8
    Sep 12.5 82.2 54.5 32.4
    Oct 7.5 59.3 45.5 23.3
    Nov 2.5 55.3 36.5 21.8
    Dec -0.9 66.9 30.4 26.3

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        Name : Haar
        Address : 85540 Haar, Germany
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