get on-the-spot Permanent residency with job offer more than €65.000
I get access to information that in Germany if you have a job offer equal to (or more) than €65.000, you will be considered as highly qualified and get on-the-spot Permanent residency.

Is that correct and does anyone have experience with the procedure? ps: No, I don't have a similar offer, but, I'm just curious to know in details.
Edited 8/11/2019 4:35:17 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
Answer @ 2/23/2019 11:00:00 PM by Moudy_1994
I think you're talking about a Blue card. It's not on the spot PR. It's a visa with some nice bonuses. You can get a fast track to PR with it (18 months I believe) when you fulfill the B1 language requirements.
  • 2
    Current fast track is 33 months without B1 German and 22 months with.

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