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    Here are some reviews of weswap - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and writing a review.

    Capacity Category

    • Best value travel money prepay card there is!
      WeSwap.com is a website where you can get travel money very easily and for a very good price. If you are prepared to wait for a week it is just 1% of the mid-market rate.

      They can offer such good rates by setting up other travellers who want your currency. You get a Mastercard; now it's important to note this doesn't work every time. But it does work often; and I've never had it not work in a ATM.

      I spend a lot of time abroad travelling and this is the best way to exchange cash; particularly if you take over 250 GBP out at a time - then there isn't even an ATM charge. Anything you buy in shops or restaurants is free to you - the establishment has to pay a %.

      Once you've been on holiday you can change any left over into the currency of your next destination. Amazing!
      • 40s
      • Male
      • Father
      • Married
      • No Disability
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