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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    An Arizona town known far more for its location than the allure of the town itself, Sedona is at the heart of a great American cruising spot (roads around here come complete with intense views and deathly drops), and the base of a winding array of colossal hiking trails. The city itself is increasingly impressive, too. Perhaps spurred on by their scenery, the natives have turned Sedona into something of an artistic Mecca, with handicrafts, art galleries and a hint of the hippie/ new age to the town itself.

    Though most come for the scenery, then, you might not be in as much of a hurry to get out as you expect. While you are hanging out in town, spas, the amusing pink jeep tours and the incredible Canyon views restaurants are all great ways to pass the time.

    It’s when you get into the thick of the natural surroundings that you’ll really start enjoying yourself, though. On the way into the hills, drop in on the pair of impressive wineries found up Page Springs Road, before following the Broken Arrow Trail to Chicken Point, where you’ll find some intense valley views (and a hefty group of tourists, should you happen to time your trip to coincide with those pink jeeps). Next, explore the notorious local vortexes – the reason for all those hippies – where the earth is said to be full of magical properties. Cathedral Trail is a short but steep walk, worth the effort to take in the incredible sunsets on offer from the peak.

    Above all, Sedona is full of powerful imagery, startlingly towering rocks and a sense that modern America is still only dabbling with the town’s fringes. That’s half the point, of course: viewing this kind of natural mysticism though anything but more traditional eyes would seem palpably out of place. Picture the village in Disney’s ‘Cars’ and throw in the hippies and you’ll have a good idea of what to expect: a stop off that’s not going to wow friends when you add it to your travel map, but you’ll certainly remember it.

    Sedona is a very special place in the heart of the redrock formations and the Geo-physical Vortex. Schnebly Hill road is a dirt road deep in the redrocks and the Vortex. Once prime free camping but because of high visitation, camping is illegal now. Get a $5 redrock permit from the Forest Service and spend the day there in a very beautiful place. In the 1950's they filmed many cowboy and Indian movies there.
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    Accommodation near Sedona

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    Points of Interest near Sedona

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    • Flagstaff
      One moment you are traveling along the interstate enjoying the sprawling vistas offered by the desert, and the next moment you have graduated to a mountainous area covered with ponderosa pines and snow-capped peaks. This is Flagstaff, one of the more well-known cities in Arizona located near the Grand Canyon and San Francisco Peaks. A rough-and-tumble city that got its start as a lumber, railroad, and ranching town, Flagstaff has transitioned over the years into one of the premier tourist destinations in the country, largely due to the proximity of the Grand Canyon National Park, Oak Creek Canyon, and the surrounding mountains and countryside. Beyond that, Flagstaff is situated along the historic Route 66, one of the first U.S. highways to ever stretch across the country.

      Flagstaff is a historic city which has traded modernity for a well-worn persona that has only helped add to the appeal of the place for travelers. This is not a fancy city like New York or Miami, resplendent with glistening metal towers rising into the sky.

      This is a historic town full of American history, a history that local residents are proud of. Not to mention the scenery surrounding Flagstaff is beyond comparison, giving locals yet another notch on their belt when it comes to bragging rights. You can roam through the Museum of Northern Arizona, head over to the botanical gardens at the Arboretum, or simply visit one of the many historical buildings showcasing local history. However, the best sights and sounds are definitely the ones offered in the wilderness surrounding Flagstaff, and visitors have access to phenomenal rock climbing, hiking, and biking trails, not to mention the Grand Canyon itself.

      All in all, one could easily lose a month or two to Flagstaff and be none the worse for wear, which is probably one of the reasons so many people come here year in and year out despite being a small town in the middle of nowhere.

      Flagstaff is very cold with snow in the winter and a pleasant warm by day and cool at night in the summer. Flag is the last good place for all kind of services on the way to the Grand Canyon. I always stock up with food, gasoline, ice, and whatever supplies I may need before I head north. Car mecanical services are available there. This area has nice ponderosa pine forests and some new high dollar suberbs in the nearby forests. Its an all around pleasant place on US hwy 66.
      Flagstaff, AZ, USA

    Exchange Rate History United States

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    Climate near Sedona

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Sedona? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Sedona in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan 4.9 45.4 40.8 17.9
    Feb 6.8 37.7 44.2 14.8
    Mar 9.8 34.4 49.6 13.5
    Apr 14.1 29.7 57.4 11.7
    May 18 12.1 64.4 4.8
    Jun 23.5 11 74.3 4.3
    Jul 26.5 46.3 79.7 18.2
    Aug 25.4 53.4 77.7 21
    Sep 22.5 33.6 72.5 13.2
    Oct 16.1 28.2 61 11.1
    Nov 9.7 24.6 49.5 9.7
    Dec 5.6 35.1 42.1 13.8

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        Name : Sedona
        Address : Sedona, AZ 86336, USA
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