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  • Overview You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: O_Borg  
    Strikes by Air crew, Air traffic controllers, Train staff or other transport services can have a devastating effect on travelers.

  • What can you do to alleviate? You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: O_Borg  
    Take travel insurance (check that industrial action is covered).

    Most action is normally limited to a day or two, allow "spacing" into your travel plans to be able to withstand a day's delay.

    For delays in with Airlines: Make sure you have a good book or one that's been sitting on the shelf for a while that needs tackling to keep you busy.

    For delays on trains: If you have to travel, then consider alternative train companies, or bus routes.

    If the journey was short, then a taxi or ride sharing option might be viable.

    If all else fails be positive! For train travelers without bags think about making the trip on foot A long walk once in a while can be fun.

    You can discover the city: different streets, different corners , different smells , different stories.

    There is so much to see out there and yet most of the time, we end up relying on public transportation. Just for the sake of going fast.

    It maybe the perfect day to be out there, outside, walking , or riding a bike. An excuse to go a bit slower for once.

  • Notice Period You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: happy_Augustin  
    Law varies wildly across different countries.

    In some countries companies must announce in advance when they are going on strike so for example transport workers in Germany can do a warning strike with a short warning period.

    Then where will some legal provisions regarding when they may strike again, they must confer with other workers and only 1-2 weeks later are they allowed to go on strike again.

    By looking at the timings you can then guarantee that a certain day in the future will be strike-free - check local press for this information.
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