Cheap city in Eastern Europe for three month stay
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a cheap city to stay in Eastern Europe for potentially 1-3 months? It seems I've left it too late to find some cheap accommodation, looking to go next week. Thanks!
Answer @ 9/25/2017 6:42:25 AM by Edoardo62
I've recently lived in Zagreb / Sarajevo / Belgrade / Sofia, spending 3-4 weeks in each city. Enjoyed all of them but Belgrade was a very positive surprise
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    I've just been looking into Belgrade and Sofia at the moment
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    Also had a good experience in Sofia :) I'm sure you'll like both cities
Answer @ 10/1/2017 4:42:25 AM by RVirtanen75
Plovdiv is really nice. Has a great vibe and tons of coffee shops from which to work. If you're staying longer than a month you can probably find some better deals than Airbnb. Long term apts rent for 300-400 leva/month according to locals. That's $180-$240USD/mo.
Answer @ 9/26/2017 10:42:25 AM by TNieminen
Cluj-Napoca, Romania. A friend was asking today if I happen to know a guy who would want to subrent a room from him for €120,00/month.
Answer @ 9/26/2017 3:42:25 PM by organicpi
Rep. of Moldova, Chisinau. fast internet, very cheap living (100-200E/month for an apartment), great food.
Answer @ 9/26/2017 12:42:25 AM by kentucky178
Warsaw, or Chisinau. I'm here in Chisinau and its cheap. I lived in Wroclaw, Krakow is the cheapest, but I find Warsaw has the potential to not become dull after 2 months. Wroclaw is tiny, 3 weeks and you've been everywhere. Can't speak on Krakow though besides price. Lots of westerners are in Warsaw which sometimes is a nice site.
Answer @ 9/30/2017 7:42:25 AM by chapeccear
You guys all forgot Kyiv, Ukraine!!! Way cheaper than Hungary (Budapest), Bulgaria, Czech Republic. Also, its beautiful during the fall and restaurants/housing is super affordable. P.S. I'm from Ukraine, but have traveled around, so hope this helps!
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    Lviv, Ukraine! The city of coffee, chocolate and awesome architecture. The accommodation is quite cheap and the place is really great!
Answer @ 11/14/2017 7:08:26 PM by FERNMAN
I had a great experience with travelling in Bucharest, Romania. Close to Brasov, which is a fantaststic place to visit. Both have 'old towns' which are essentially city centers, where youu can find all the places to eat, and most speak English though some Romanian might be good to know. The current value of the Ron/Lei to the dollar make Romania a terrific place to travel through and in. Expect about 3.50-3.75 Ron/ Lei to the dollar or Euro.

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