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    Users Assigned: Shimizu77  

    The forested hills and waterfalls of the Nikko National Park area will be a welcome respite to the monumentality of the architecture of Tokugawa.

    Take a 10 km (6.2 mile) bus ride up the spectacular winding Irohazaka Highway to Chuzenji, even if you are here only on a daytrip: The view of Mt. Nantai (2,484 m; 8148 ft) and the valley below is magnificent.

    Or it maybe better to take a taxi: Tell the driver to stop at "Akechi-daira", which is the half-way point if you have less time or more money.

  • What can you see and do? You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: Shimizu77  
    Lake Chuzenji, at 1270 m (4166 ft) above sea level was made eons ago when a now-dormant volcano erupted and blocked the rive course, creating two cataracts. The 96 m (315 ft) Kegon-no- taki at the south end is the country’s most famous waterfall.

    An elevator takes sightseers to an observation platform in the gore below the falls are especially impressive after a summer rain, when the sunshine produces a single or even bauble rainbow in the spray. In the winter the falls form a spectacular cascade of icicles.

    At the gorge’s north end Ryuzu-no-taki (“Dragon’s Head Falls”) is broader but not as high; is has the additional merit of a teahouse, where you can sit and watch the water tumble into the lake.

    Famous for its rainbow trout, Chuzeni is too cold for swinging most of the year, but visitors throng to this area for its spectacular spring and fall scenery and for its numerous hot sprints resorts.

    The most impressive historical monument on the eastern shore of the lake is Chuzenji a sub temple to Toshogu’s Rinnoji. The temple enshrines a 5 m (16-ft) standing figure of Kannon, the goddess of Mercy, said to have been carved more than 1000 years ago from the trunk of a single Judas tree.
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    Accommodation near Lake Chūzenji

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      Landmarks near Lake Chūzenji

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Lake Chūzenji? Here is our list of options.

      • Futarasan jinja
        10.56 Km from Lake Chūzenji
        Futarasan jinja (二荒山神社) is a Shinto shrine in the city of Nikkō, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. It is also known as Nikkō Futarasan Shrine, to distinguish it from the shrine in nearby Utsunomiya. Futarasan enshrines three deities: Ōkuninushi, Tagorihime, and Ajisukitakahikone. It is located between Nikkō Tōshō-gū and the Taiyū-in Mausoleum. Many visitors go to all three, as well as to Rinnō-ji. Together with Nikkō Tōshō-gū and Rinnō-ji, it forms the Shrines and Temples of Nikkō UNESCO World Heritage...
      • Numata Castle
        40.61 Km from Lake Chūzenji
        Numata Castle (沼田城, Numata-jō) is a Japanese castle located in Numata, northern Gunma Prefecture, Japan. At the end of the Edo period, Numata Castle was home to the Toki clan, daimyō of Numata Domain, but the castle was ruled by a large number of different clans over its history, and is noted as the site of a major battle in the Sengoku period. The castle was also known as "Kurauchi-jō" (倉内城).
      • Bandai Museum
        43.53 Km from Lake Chūzenji

      Points of Interest near Lake Chūzenji

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Lake Chūzenji? Here is our list of options.

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      Climate near Lake Chūzenji

      When is the best time of year to go to Lake Chūzenji ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Lake Chūzenji then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Lake Chūzenji in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan -2.1 123 28.2 48.4
      Feb -1.4 115 29.5 45.3
      Mar 2 97 35.6 38.2
      Apr 8.7 88 47.7 34.6
      May 13.5 104 56.3 40.9
      Jun 17.7 125 63.9 49.2
      Jul 22.2 193 72 76
      Aug 22.7 182 72.9 71.7
      Sep 19 176 66.2 69.3
      Oct 12.5 125 54.5 49.2
      Nov 7 73 44.6 28.7
      Dec 1.5 91 34.7 35.8

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        Google Reviews Lake Chūzenji

        Here are some reviews of Lake Chūzenji - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

        • The colour of the lake is very pristine and intriguing. It is very breathtaking when it is seen from Mount Hangetsu. You can visit it in 4 different seasons because it has four different looks but you should visit it during autumn because it will be the most beautiful in that season.
        • It's a nice lake and worth the little efforr it takes to get there feom Nikko.
        • Beautiful view and with the snow beside the lake in winter makes it more beautiful. A good spot for sightseeing and capturing some nice photographs.
        • Very serene lake with beautiful views. Popular vacation area for Japanese. Enjoy some of the local food (fish) sold around the lake. When weather is nice, take a boat ride in the lake. There are many areas you can walk at around the lake if you don't wish to go in the water. It is near other sites in Nikko, such as the Kegon Falls. So if you visit either site, do make sure to see the other.
        • It's really beautiful lake with nice hot springs. Perfect for relaxing walks in nature.


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          Name : Lake Chūzenji
          Address : Lake Chūzenji, Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture 321-1661, Japan
          Website :
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