Antalya Locals Restaurant
Where can you find the best börek or the best shawarma in town.... I need a place where the locals go to or stand in line to buy.... Any suggestions?
  • 0
    Durumkolik on the coast road for durum (shawarma). we call it the old coast road (between Dedeman and what used to be Ofo Hotel) if you know Uzaklar bar .. than it's 300 m towards Fener
Answer @ 4/5/2017 6:35:33 PM by primesector
In my opinion, you can find the best börek for all over the city in Börekçi Tevfik. Here it's address : Sinan Mah. 1255 Sok. Ay İşh. Karakaş Cami arkası, Antalya, 07050

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