I am a 60 year old healthy American woman. I will be traveling in Chile for the first two weeks in October. I will spend one week in tempo in a top hotel. And one week in Santiago in a 5 star hotel. I lived in Temuco from 1979-1981 as a Peace Corps Volunteer. During that time I was required to have periodic gamugobulin injections. Do you recommend that I have these injections before my visit as a precaution? Also as I am staying in only two places for a total of two weeks is it necessary tio have a typhoid vaccine? Is there a Chilean brand of bottled water that is safest?
Answer @ 12/20/2016 1:53:05 PM by barbaragrogg
Now, there is a specific vaccine for Hepatitis A. It is recommended by the CDC that you have that vaccine. It is a two dose series but you can take the first one before you leave and it will be effective for 2-3 years. Take the second dose and it is expected to provide lifelong protection. The hepatitis A is commonly referred to as the "food handlers hepatitis" - it is transmitted via fecal-oral route and you have no control over who/how a food handler is doing their job - so it is probably a really good idea to follow the CDC recommendation.

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