What vaccines do I need for travelling to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam?
Travelling to Southeast Asia in mid March to early May and I need to know what vaccines i need to get before I go. My gps secretary asked me to look up it up on this if someone could help. Would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Edited 1/27/2018 7:43:23 AM by bendecko ...View History
Answer @ 1/27/2018 4:09:41 PM by barbaragrogg
As you may be aware, different countries have differing opinions on vaccines and malaria prophylaxis. I am in the US - so I base my recommendations on the CDC and WHO guidelines. A great rather new resource for my patients is http://www.headinghomehealthy.net ..... go into both the "traveler" section and the "clinician" section. You will be able to put in all the info about you and your travel choices and destinations and get an idea about what is needed. Of course, it doesn't replace a visit to a travel clinic - but it is a good place to start. Hope this helps and happy and healthy traveling.
Edited 1/27/2018 5:27:43 PM by knsw11 ...View History
Answer @ 10/1/2020 4:14:52 PM by Floyd1967
Test timezone
This Answer was deleted by Floyd1967 at 10/1/2020 4:17:12 PM
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