Cheap car insurance for expat in Dublin
Hi, any recommendations on a cheap car insurance? I got some quotes in already but not to my satisfaction. I hold a full Irish drivers license, as I swapped in my German one. Thanks in advance!
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    liberty (but CHEAP is nothing in IE..)
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    Do you have a no claims bonus from Germany? If not, expect o pay around 1500-1700. If you do it should be less than that
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Answer @ 1/31/2017 2:01:50 AM by upheadstone
Its4women had the best quote for my situation (it's not just for women!)
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    I tried them for a quote but found out that you have to be a resident in Ireland for at least three years, which I am sadly not.
Answer @ 2/1/2017 3:01:50 AM by vicioustranslate29
I lost my 5y no claim bonus because of gap 30 days..they make rules to get more money...I used allianz last y and changed to axa. Always get yearly quotes and change...
Answer @ 2/4/2017 1:01:50 PM by AaravP
Try AA. You get discount if you get AA membership as well.
Answer @ 2/3/2017 5:01:50 PM by Megan
I left my broker after 7 years this year as their lowest quote was 200 more than 123.ie. The excess is higher, 300 instead of 250 but I'd rather pay lower premium and hopefully not have to claim. Axa gave me a quote double the price with 123.ie. How long did it take to get your license replaced? The website says up to 3 months and you have to give your license up when you apply. I was reluctant last year as I was traveling and needed my license, but think I will get it done after the summer.
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    You get the drivers number on the day. That receipt that you paid has the drivers number on it and that's what you need for driving here. Hence, you'll just have to do with a piece of paper for those few weeks but that is your official document they told me.
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    Thanks Mila. Yes, it works fine here but I doubt it's good for traveling. So it only took a few weeks, not months?
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    No idea. I didn't get the license yet. Just ordered it two weeks ago. And you can only drive in Ireland with that paper license

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