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    Hotels near São Paulo

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      Landmarks near São Paulo

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near São Paulo? Here is our list of options.

      • Martinelli Building
        0.58 Km from São Paulo
        Martinelli Building, with 30 floors, was the first skyscraper in Brazil. It is located in São Paulo. The construction of the building began in 1922 and it was inaugurated in 1929 with 12 floors. The construction of the building followed until 1934. The work ended when the building had 30 floors (130 meters). The building was designed by Italian Brazilian entrepreneur Giuseppe Martinelli. The building was completely remodeled by Mayor Olavo Setúbal in 1975. It was remodeled again in 1979. Today, ...
      • Rua 25 de Março
        0.70 Km from São Paulo
      • Mirante do Vale
        0.95 Km from São Paulo
      • Sala São Paulo
        1.93 Km from São Paulo
        The Júlio Prestes Cultural Center, which is located in the Júlio Prestes Train Station in the old north central section of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, was inaugurated on July 9, 1999. The building has been totally restored and renovated by the São Paulo State Government, as part of the downtown revitalization in that city. It houses the Sala São Paulo, which has a capacity of 1498 seats and is the home of the São Paulo State Symphonic Orchestra (OSESP). It is a venue for symphonic and chamber...
      • São Paulo Indy 300
        3.86 Km from São Paulo
        The Itaipava São Paulo Indy 300 presented by Nestlé was an event in the IRL IndyCar Series, which opened the 2010 IndyCar Series season. The event was announced on November 25, 2009, as the first championship event for the series outside of North America and Japan, and the first American open-wheel race in the country since the Rio 200 at Jacarepaguá in 2000. Due to a lengthy distance to travel from most team bases, the event promoters offer each team a six-figure sum of money, as well as paying...
      • Ibirapuera Park
        4.95 Km from São Paulo
        Ibirapuera Park (Portuguese: Parque Ibirapuera) is a major urban park in São Paulo, Brazil. It has a large area for leisure, jogging and walking, as well a vivid cultural scene with museums and a music hall. Its importance to São Paulo is often comparable to that of Central Park to New York City, Golden Gate Park to San Francisco, or Ueno Park to Tokyo. Ibirapuera is one of South America's largest city parks, together with Chapultepec Park, in Mexico City and Simón Bolívar Park in Bogota.
      • Via Funchal
        7.24 Km from São Paulo
        Via Funchal, with an area of 15,000 m², was an arena in São Paulo, Brazil, that hosted many events, such as concerts and other shows closed in December 2012. Seated, it hosted 3,120 people and standing, it hosted as many as 6,000 people.
      • Albert Einstein Hospital
        10.00 Km from São Paulo
      • RedeTV!
        13.63 Km from São Paulo
        RedeTV! is a Brazilian television network, owned by Amilcare Dallevo and Marcelo de Carvalho. RedeTV! has modern production plants, located in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Fortaleza. RedeTV! is headquartered in the CTD - Centro de Televisão Digital (Digital Television Center, in English), located in Osasco (SP), where its news division is based. It is the newest television network, among the five major networks in Brazil, being a relaunch of Rede Manchete in 1999. It was...
      • Citibank Hall (São Paulo)
        14.19 Km from São Paulo
        Citibank Hall (originally Credicard Hall) is a music theater in the city of Sao Paulo, São Paulo. It opened in September 1999, with capacity for 7,744 people. Considered to be one of the largest entertainment venues in Brazil and one of the largest in Latin America. The 60th anniversary Miss Universe 2011 pageant was held on September 12 that year at the hall.

      Points of Interest near São Paulo

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near São Paulo? Here is our list of options.

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      • State of São Paulo
        As Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo is something of a cultural mish-mash, home to an imported assortment of cultures and outlooks as well as an impossible-to-miss mix of the rich and poor. Many argue that the city’s main attraction is simply the city itself, as opposed to the chance to see any particular sight, also citing the array of restaurants as a major draw.

        That’s not to say, of course, that the city is devoid of more touristic sights. In amongst the adventure parks, zoos, greenery and even lakes of this mammoth city you’ll find destinations like the Instituto Butantam, where you can watch researchers milk snakes for anti-venom, or the Banespa Skyscraper, from which you can ogle the entire city with a birds eye view. The mammoth BOVESPA stock exchange is a worthy stop off for the financially curious, while the more daring will enjoy heading into the poorer districts of the city and getting a taste of the charismatic, less accessible side of the city.

        Sao Paulo Airport (Guarulhos International Airport) is also the countries busiest is the hub in South America with most major airlines flying in and out to almost 30+ different countries.

        Of course, it wouldn’t be Sao Paulo without an utter fixation with soccer, and watching one of the local sides kick a ball around in front of their impassioned fans can become a highlight of your trip. Home colors only and an abundance of oversized flags are the order of the day, here, amongst a scene that can turn violent, though rival fans tend to be the target, so no need for too much concern.

        If you’re lucky enough to be in Sao Paulo for Carnival, you’ll find a scene that’s second only to Rio in terms of its flamboyant atmosphere, best enjoyed at the last minute from one of the paid standing areas (worth the cost for the improved view), though if you’re in town a little early, be sure to check out the samba schools in advance of the festival, too, and experience the colors and rhythms of the festival close up before the day itself. You might even have the chance to get involved in the parade.

        It might struggle to compete with picture-perfect Rio in terms of tourism, but Sao Paulo is still an essential Brazilian experience, one that arguably portrays the country in a more ‘real life’ light than the party capital.
        State of São Paulo, Brazil
      • R. Cantareira
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        R. Cantareira, 306 - Centro, São Paulo - SP, 01103-200, Brazil
      • R. do Boticário
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        R. do Boticário, 31 - Largo do Paysandu, São Paulo - SP, 01040-010, Brazil
      • R. Alm. Brasil
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        R. Alm. Brasil, 65 - Mooca, São Paulo - SP, 03176-001, Brazil
      • R. dos Sorocabanos
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        R. dos Sorocabanos, 375 - Ipiranga, São Paulo - SP, 04205-050, Brazil
      • Rua Coronel Bento Bicudo
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Rua Coronel Bento Bicudo, 991 - Lapa de Baixo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
      • Rua Coronel Bento Bicudo
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Rua Coronel Bento Bicudo, 1167 - Piqueri, São Paulo - SP, 02912-000, Brazil
      • Av. Prof. Francisco Morato
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Av. Prof. Francisco Morato, 2390 - Caxingui, São Paulo - SP, 05512-900, Brazil
      • R. Henri Dunant
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        R. Henri Dunant, 500 - Santo Amaro, São Paulo - SP, 04709-110, Brazil
      • Av. Miguel Estéfno
        No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
        Av. Miguel Estéfno, 4241 - Vila Santo Estefano, São Paulo - SP, 04301-002, Brazil

      Exchange Rate History Brazil

      Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

      Select your home currency from the drop down to compare it to the currency in use in Brazil.

      Currencies fluctuate all the time, to keep updated of rapidly devaluing currencies follow us on Twitter or Facebook , or if you have somewhere special in mind sign up for an account and plan a trip. We will then keep an eye on their currency rates, and send you an alert if their currency goes down in comparison to yours.

      Climate near São Paulo

      When is the best time of year to go to São Paulo ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about São Paulo then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in São Paulo in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 21.3 267.9 70.3 105.5
      Feb 21.5 240 70.7 94.5
      Mar 20.8 205.3 69.4 80.8
      Apr 19 122.4 66.2 48.2
      May 16.8 95.7 62.2 37.7
      Jun 15.5 88.4 59.9 34.8
      Jul 14.9 69.8 58.8 27.5
      Aug 15.7 83.1 60.3 32.7
      Sep 16.7 118.3 62.1 46.6
      Oct 18 160.9 64.4 63.3
      Nov 19.2 182.9 66.6 72
      Dec 20.6 238.7 69.1 94

      Travel Info

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          Address : São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
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