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  • Overview You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    Oostende (or Ostend) is a town in the Belgian province of West Flanders, it is one of the major coastal cities of belgium
    Oostende received city rights in 1267, but the first traces of habitation date from the 9th and 10th centuries

    Oostende has a tourist and historical center and in 2010 was given the title 'Cultural capital of Flanders'.
    Oostende is best known for the promenade with a coastal front of apartment buildings
  • What can you see and do? You can't Edit

    Users Assigned: bendecko  

    You can walk on the seawall to catch a breath of fresh air. Even though in summer Ostend is quite popular amongst tourists, you may prefer the coastal city in winter for being less-crowded.

    The Visserskaai is a recommended place in Ostend. This small harbor does not only have many stalls selling fresh fish but is the location of the Mercator, a three-master once used to discover new places in the world.

    On a sunny day, be sure not to miss out on a walk through the Maria Hendrika Park.

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    Accommodation near Ostend

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    Landmarks near Ostend

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    Points of Interest near Ostend

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    • Ostend-Bruges International Airport
      No info yet.. Please go to this page and enter some.
      Ostend-Bruges International Airport Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 889, 8400 Oostende, Belgium
    • Bruges
      Bruges reputation for being inundated with almost countless tourists is something you’ll probably hear of well before you arrive, but, fortunately, the huge camera-clad groups roaming the streets aren't quite enough to destroy the appeal of a fantastically picturesque town. Medieval, pretty and constructed over a selection of fantastic looking, Amsterdam-like canals (get your timing right in winter, and you can have a great time skating down them), Bruges implores you to drift amongst its chocolate shops and cobblestoned, roadside restaurants with you're eyes raised to the ornate second storeys and your camera permanently drawn.

      The Basilica of the Holy Blood is an astonishing, rustic old building that supposedly contains a phial of Christ’s blood brought back from the crusades; the phial itself will underwhelm anyone of minimal religious bent, but the astounding old architecture is well worth a trip. The Church of Our Lady is another astonishing religious spot, home to a Michelangelo’s masterpiece Madonna and Child, and dating back to the 12th century.

      Another ancient sight well worth checking out is the World Heritage Site of the Belfry and Market Halls; you’ll hear the bells ring out over the cobbled square in the center of town every so often, while the impressive tower at the top of the intricate building is beautifully lit up at night.

      Cut through the seemingly relentless parade of tourists, and Bruges is a city of romance, picturesque (though dig deep and you’ll learn that many of the buildings are actually re-creations of the originals; most of Bruges isn’t that old), enticing restaurants and a scene that seems to glitter through every season. Whether it’s the summer daffodils of spring or the slippery frosts of autumn, though, Bruges is a city rammed full of fascinating streets and alluring history.

      For those who love Belgian chocolate, there is a museum which explains everything about this delicacy called Choco-story. You can find this museum at Sint-Jansplein within minutes of the famous shopping street.

      Did You Know?

      Brugge is known as “The Venice of the North”

      Brugge was the European Capital of Culture in 2002.
      Bruges, Belgium
    • Kortrijk

      Kortrijk is a city of Belgian situated in West Flander. This city lies beside the River Leie. The history of this city can be traced back to Roman times. The name of this city was Cortoriacum at that time.  Normans demolished this city and Baldwin III constructed it again in the 10th century. The town became an important centre of trade and at its height had a population of about 200,000.

      The river Leie flows from France and meets Kortrijk at Broeltorens. Broeltorens is the name of two towers which were built during the medieval period. These towers are the only reflections of the magnificent construction of the city. Unfortunately, everything else was destructed by the army of Louis XIV of France in 1684. These towers were constructed during the 12th and 13th century. The area situated between K Kortrijk and Deinze, along with the bank of river Leie, is famous for the production of Flax.

      Kortrijk, Belgium

    Exchange Rate History Belgium

    Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

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    Climate near Ostend

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Ostend? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Ostend in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan 3.5 71.3 38.3 28.1
    Feb 3.7 51.8 38.7 20.4
    Mar 5.7 60.7 42.3 23.9
    Apr 8.1 58 46.6 22.8
    May 12.1 58.6 53.8 23.1
    Jun 14.5 66.9 58.1 26.3
    Jul 16.6 69 61.9 27.2
    Aug 16.5 79.2 61.7 31.2
    Sep 14.4 72.8 57.9 28.7
    Oct 10.8 86.5 51.4 34.1
    Nov 6.3 90.1 43.3 35.5
    Dec 4.1 89.9 39.4 35.4

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        Name : Ostend
        Address : 8400 Ostend, Belgium
        Website :
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