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    Landmarks near Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel

    Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel? Here is our list of options.

    • Burg Kreuzenstein
      15.20 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      Burg Kreuzenstein is a castle near Leobendorf in Lower Austria, Austria. Burg Kreuzenstein is situated at an altitude of 265 meters. It was constructed on the remains of an early medieval castle that had fallen into disrepair and was then demolished during the Thirty Years' War. Intended to be a family vault for the Wilczek family, it was rebuilt in the 19th century by Count Nepomuk Wilczek with money from the family's large Silesian coal mines. Kreuzenstein is interesting in that it was constru...
    • Museumsdorf Niedersulz
      16.30 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      Museumsdorf Niedersulz is an open-air museum in Austria that displays traditional buildings and architecture from the Weinviertel. It is located in the village of Sulz im Weinviertel, about 45 km north of Vienna in the province of Lower Austria. The Museumsdorf Niedersulz has over 80 original buildings and structures that have been transported from their original sites. The Village-Museum of Niedersulz is the largest open-air museum in Lower Austria and was founded in 1979. It consists of 80 his...
    • Klosterneuburg Monastery
      16.42 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
    • Kahlenbergerdorf Parish Church
      17.06 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      The Kahlenbergerdorf Parish Church (Kahlenbergerdorfer Pfarrkirche) is a Roman Catholic parish church in the suburb of Kahlenbergerdorf in the 19th district of Vienna, Döbling. It is dedicated to Saint George.
    • Tech Gate Vienna
      18.56 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      Tech Gate Vienna is a science and technology park in the City of Vienna, Austria, situated in the 22nd district Donaustadt. It was built between 1999 and 2005 following the plans from architects Wilhelm Holzbauer and Sepp Frank in an area called Donau City. Tech Gate Vienna consists of two buildings. The first, 26 meter high building was completed in 2001 and has 7 floors, with a total of 36,000 square meters of room. The second building was built from 2004 to 2005 and is 75 meters high with 18,...
    • 21er Haus
      24.20 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
    • Arsenal (Vienna)
      24.38 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      The Arsenal is a former military complex of buildings in the south-east of Vienna in the third district. Several brick buildings in a rectangle layout make up the complex which is located on a bank south of the Landstraßer Gürtel. It is the most distinguished building group of the romantic historism in Vienna and has been constructed in Italian-medieval respectively Byzantine-Islamic style. Essentially the complex is still preserved in its original form, merely a few workshop buildings within th...
    • Sanatorium Purkersdorf
      30.97 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
    • Kollegium Kalksburg
      34.17 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      The Kollegium Kalksburg is a Roman Catholic private school in the Kalksburg, Liesing, Vienna, Austria.[1] The school is a humanistic Gymnasium or grammar school, founded in 1856 by the Jesuits, who were in charge of it until 1988. It was then put under the authority of "Vereinigung von Ordensschulen Österreichs". The alumni association of the Kollegium Kalksburg, the "Altkalksburger Vereinigung", is located in the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna.
    • Egon-Schiele-Museum
      34.59 Km from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
      The Egon-Schiele-Museum in Tulln is a museum in Lower Austria dedicated to the Austrian painter Egon Schiele who was born in Tulln.

    Points of Interest near Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel? Here is our list of options.

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    Exchange Rate History Austria

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    Climate near Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan -1.1 53.3 30 21
    Feb 0.2 51.2 32.4 20.2
    Mar 4.9 45.3 40.8 17.8
    Apr 9.9 52.2 49.8 20.6
    May 15.2 72.3 59.4 28.5
    Jun 18.3 72.2 64.9 28.4
    Jul 20.3 84.1 68.5 33.1
    Aug 19.3 71 66.7 28
    Sep 15.4 55.9 59.7 22
    Oct 9.9 60.1 49.8 23.7
    Nov 4.7 61.7 40.5 24.3
    Dec 0.4 62.5 32.7 24.6

    Travel Info

    Latest news from Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel

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      Google Reviews Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel

      Here are some reviews of Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

      • It is amazing place!
      • We have my grandparents quartered a week at the hotel, because the price was cheap and the location quiet. The booked room was neatly furnished and liked my grandparents well, for me personally, it could be a bit more colorful. We were delighted by the restaurant, where we spent two nights with my grandparents and enjoyed the delicious food and above all the great wines. The service was not just good, but strive for perfection. Absolutely I can recommend the steak dishes, because they were always cooked to the point.
        Translated from German
        Click here to see original text.
      • Felt like i was at home on the weekend trip to the wine district. Good breakfast buffet
        Translated from German
        Click here to see original text.
      • The rooms are rather very old ... eat is ok
        Translated from German
        Click here to see original text.
      • A nice hotel with friendly staff, clean and well furnished rooms and a great wine bar. We were recommended by friends, the wine bar and the tasting was great. The selection of wines was neat and we met many great new wines. My wife and I spent a great weekend at the hotel and we were walking a lot and made us feel very welcome.
        Translated from German
        Click here to see original text.


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        Name : Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel
        Address : Hotel Klaus im Weinviertel Julius Bittner Pl. 4, 2120 Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel, Austria
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