Cabo San Lucas Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    One of the ultimate destinations when it comes to tourist resorts in Mexico is Cabo San Lucas. This is the premier resort spot for the region, and is recognized as one of the most expensive and lucrative resort areas in Mexico. Along with plenty of resorts, the waters are well-known for providing some of the best sports-fishing in the entire world, and many people consider Cabo San Lucas to be one of the ultimate outdoor water adventure spots on the planet. As far as the city goes, Cabo is broken down into three main sections, known as Old Town, Main Town, and the area known as The Corridor, which stretches between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. Nearly twenty miles of pristine beaches, resorts, and golf courses stretch between, making it literally impossible to go the entire distance without finding something that is perfectly suited for your needs.

    Cabo San Lucas is not necessarily a budget holiday destination. Many of Hollywood’s elite have settled down here, as well as Mexico’s, and while there is plenty to do out on the water and along the beaches, things aren’t exactly low key. The nightlife and party scene in Cabo is renowned around the world for its intensity, and mixing in with celebrities becomes a possibility at any given time. Beyond the clubs and resorts, however, there are also things like Land’s End, which is a massive cluster of rock formations where visitors can walk during low tide, or the Church of San Lucas, dating back nearly 300 years.

    There is also plenty of natural beauty away from the water, with ATV trips that get you up close and personal with the desert and mountains further inland, or you could simply spend the entirety of your trip lazing in the luxury of one of the many resorts. Either way, the beauty of Cabo San Lucas is in the all-inclusive nature of the area, and it’s easy to see why it has become so popular over the years.
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    Accommodation near Cabo San Lucas

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    Hotels near Cabo San Lucas

    Selection of near Cabo San Lucas

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      Landmarks near Cabo San Lucas

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Cabo San Lucas? Here is our list of options.

      • Cabo Wabo
        0.17 Km from Cabo San Lucas
        Cabo Wabo is the name of a chain of nightclubs and restaurants located in Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico, as well as Harvey's Lake Tahoe in Stateline, Nevada and a third location on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada just outside of the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood, and on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California. It is also a popular brand of tequila. All were founded by rock musician Sammy Hagar. The Cabo San Lucas location is generally considered to be one of the top three most popular ...

      Points of Interest near Cabo San Lucas

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Cabo San Lucas? Here is our list of options.

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      • Cabo San Lucas
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        23450 Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
      • San José del Cabo
        San Jose del Cabo is a city of neat and clean residential neighborhoods, some new and some that are very old. The newer neighborhoods seem to be spreading out to the north and west of the historic center. The very first golf course in southern Baja is located here and although the municipal course offers but nine holes, it is still a lot of fun and very affordable. There are many nice homes built around the golf course, which is near the beach in an expanding area of the city. The 40,000 residents enjoy a comfortable and healthy lifestyle. There are jobs here for anyone who wants to work and the zero unemployment factor results in a high quality lifestyle, with very little crime.

        San Jose del Cabo offers a great vacation experience for the entire family. San Jose is easy to get to and once you are here you instantly forget the rat race back home and ease into a special pace, a much slower pace. Be careful, this is something that could easily become habit forming. Activities abound for all ages, golf, surfing, water sports, boating, fishing, ATV's, horseback riding, shopping and numerous other activities are all here, just waiting for you. Relaxation seems to come naturally her but if "party till you drop" is the mood of the evening, you can always go to Cabo San Lucas.
        San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico

      Exchange Rate History Mexico

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      Climate near Cabo San Lucas

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      Graphic showing average weather in Cabo San Lucas in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 19.5 1.6 67.1 0.6
      Feb 19.3 8 66.7 3.1
      Mar 20.5 0 68.9 0
      Apr 21.9 0 71.4 0
      May 23.3 0 73.9 0
      Jun 25.4 0.5 77.7 0.2
      Jul 27.4 6.6 81.3 2.6
      Aug 27.8 34.9 82 13.7
      Sep 27.2 304.3 81 119.8
      Oct 25.8 0.4 78.4 0.2
      Nov 23.7 7.8 74.7 3.1
      Dec 20.8 18.8 69.4 7.4

      Travel Info

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          Name : Cabo San Lucas
          Address : Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
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