Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik Weather, Climate, Exchange Rates, Videos, Pictures, Reviews, Events, Hotels, News.. and more

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    Landmarks near Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik

    Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik? Here is our list of options.

    • Vilina Vlas
      17.46 Km from Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik
      Vilina Vlas is a hotel that served as one of the main detention facilities where Bosniak prisoners were beaten, tortured and the women sexually assaulted by Serbs during the Višegrad massacres in the Bosnian War of the 1990s. It is located about four kilometers north-east of Višegrad, in the village of Višegradska Banja. After the war, Vilina Vlas was re-opened as a tourist facility.

    Points of Interest near Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik? Here is our list of options.

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    Exchange Rate History Serbia

    Exchange rate fluctuations can have a considerable impact on your trip budget. If your home currency has appreciated in value in the recent term over the currency of your destination you are likely to find the place inexpensive.

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    Climate near Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan -4.1 86.8 24.6 34.2
    Feb -2.9 65.7 26.8 25.9
    Mar 2.1 71.3 35.8 28.1
    Apr 7.3 66.3 45.1 26.1
    May 12.3 91.7 54.1 36.1
    Jun 15.7 100.1 60.3 39.4
    Jul 17.7 84.6 63.9 33.3
    Aug 16.5 84.4 61.7 33.2
    Sep 12.7 70.2 54.9 27.6
    Oct 8.2 86.3 46.8 34
    Nov 4 84.7 39.2 33.3
    Dec -2.7 92.5 27.1 36.4

    Travel Info

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      Google Reviews Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik

      Here are some reviews of Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik - don't forget to let us know how you got on by using the drop box at the bottom of the page, or joining our community and making a review.

      • Wonderful place to visit. The nature. The buildings. Magnificent.
      • It's quite a magic place. Nature environment, accommodation,professional stuff, excellent sauna with very nice swimming pool. You must try Fruit Juices!
      • food and service alright, view is ok too,if you are in a wheelchair or have a pram do not bother going it is not worth it ,
      • I was there in summer for a coffee break during our trip from Belgrade to Sarajevo. Lovely traditional village built for director Emir Kusturica and his film " Life is a miracle". Location is quiet, relaxing and surrounded by mountains. You can book rooms and sleep there, there are also bars, restaurants, a spa and a swimming pool.
      • Emir Kusturica created this amazing village located in west Serbia. The area is called Mokra Gora. The nature is beautiful and wild with a lot of hills, green forest, animals and flowers The village is his dreamworld with idea of "back to basic". It is his Utopia. The houses are made of wood, the food and bevarage is organic in the restaurants. There is a hotel inside the village, and you really get value for money. Amazing place worth to visit. I have been there 4 times and will come again.


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      These are comments made by visitors to this site. Why not add your own if you've been to Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik recently?

      • Mili_mili
        I spent a weekend on mountain Tara with my friends and husband and then we taught to visit Drvengrad (Wooden city) which is nearby. It was quite hot but despite the heat we decided to visit this interesting place, mostly because of it’s cinematographic background. Actually it was an ordinary village in this region and then Emir Kusturica decided to make it a film set and later something like a cinema town. And that is how it functions, like a real town. You can stay there, rent apartments, go out to a restaurant or simply have a drink. There is a cinema , ‘’Stanley Kubrick’s cinema’’ where you can watch films. When you buy a ticket to enter the city, automatically it is a ticket for one of the projections at the cinema. The price of the ticket is 2 euros (250 dinars). We found out late about the cinema and the tickets and we regret it because we didn’t have enough time and we had to continue our route to other places. Then the city library and gallery were in the process of preparation, which I found exciting. I was surprised that there was a kindergarten so if you are taking kids with you, you don’t have to worry. There was even a city jail which is called ‘’Humanism and Renaissance’’. It was hilarious. The only thing that bothered me was before we entered the city there was a large array and we had to wait to park our car because the parking lot was small and full of cars. And then another array before entering the city. The rest was exciting and cool so we had great time. This ‘’city’’ is authentic and kinda strange but we found it fun and cool, not typical for this region. There are interesting names of the streets and squares, a true film adventure.I would definately recommend it for people who love cinema.

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        Name : Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik
        Address : Drvengrad - Küstendorf - Mećavnik Mokra Gora, Serbia
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