Does anyone know which hospital / doctor is best for knee problems in KL ?
I have meniscus tear on my knee and looking for a reliable place to have exam / operation. Thanks in advance for recommendations
Edited 9/14/2017 7:55:54 PM by bendecko ...View History
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    i recommend Pantai Medical Hospital KL
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    I had a completely torn ACL and torn meniscus from a gym accident, went to see Dr. Sabbir in Pantai Ampang Hospital after being referred by another doctor. He explained everything step by step and after doing MRI, it was found to have a torn ACL and also meniscus tears. I did the surgery under him as I was confident with his explanation. 7 months now and I can say I have fully recovered with no pain and knee is stable and I'm back in the gym!
Dr Tay @ Gleneagles Specialist Hospital..He the famous leg, backbone doctor in KL Town. I consulted him. http://gleneagleskl.com.my/
Answer @ 5/16/2017 10:05:02 AM by Harry94
KLSMC, you get what you pay for. I had my ACL repair done there and the after care was second to none
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    Hi Harry
    Can you tell me which doctor please ?
Answer @ 5/23/2017 1:05:02 PM by pessimisticbaton212
I have had a successful ACL reconstruction done by Dr Asri from Prince Court. He specialises in sports injuries including meniscus tear repair. My judgement is based on seeing a few other doctors at Gleneagles and Ampang Puteri before I settled for this one.

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