best places to stay on Ometepe island?
Hello - what are some of the best places to stay on Ometepe island?

Not looking for a specific hostel but more which city/town/area is the best in terms of accessibility and closeness to Ojo de Agua/nice beaches/jungle/volcanoes!
Edited 7/30/2019 8:31:20 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
Answer @ 6/4/2019 2:00:00 PM by Emlyn_Conway
Things are kind of spread out across the island.

Santo Domingo has the biggest beach and is closest to Ojo de Agua, but there are other beaches at Charco Verde and La Punta Jesús Maria.

Merida is closest to the San Ramon waterfall and kayaking the Rio Istiam. Balgüe/Santa Cruz are great starting points for hiking Maderas. Moyogalpa (the main port town) is the best place to stay to hike Concepcion.

It also has a Pali grocery store (and other stores) and the only ATMs on the island. It’s the closest to La Punta, too.

Just to give a bit of distance perspective:Moyogalpa to Ojo de Agua: approx 24km. Moyogalpa to Balgüe: 32kmSo, you will have to figure out a way to get around to see the things on the island and there isn’t really a “perfect” place to stay to see everything.

My recommendation is to pick a place to stay that appeals to you, regardless of location, and you can figure out your time on Ometepe from there.
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    I agree with all of the above, but I would favour staying on the Maderas side (Santa Cruz / Balgue)

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