Plan to get to Morocco for new Schengan stamp
My passport was recently stolen so has no stamps as I have a new passport and was never scanned back into schengan I need to exit without getting too questioned and enter back in

My plan is to go to Morocco and come back in.

I found this route:

LISBOA ORIENTE (int)-ALGECIRAS #867M-150 - Algeciras-Tarifaferry from Tarifa to Tangier

can anyone confirm if they check passport on ferry?
Edited 8/22/2019 2:19:39 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
Answer @ 5/26/2019 2:23:02 PM by AlesiaBerat86
Passports are checked before boarding by the Spanish, then on the boat during transit by the Moroccan authorities.

They get stamped, but it all gets logged electronically anyway. Is this about proving a date of entry/exit?
  • 0
    Yes I have a new passport and was never scanned back into schengan I need to exit without getting too questioned and enter back in. my old passport and new passport were never scanned back into schangan as I drove to greece through bulgaria.

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