Charcutaria restaurant - Alentejo at its best Lisbon Review

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  • Charcutaria restaurant - Alentejo at its best
    Charcutaria restaurant Located near Chiado, in the centre of town, there's a restaurant so discreet that you may pass by without noticing it. And it would be a pity, because it's really an excellent place to eat. The starters, main meals and wines are delicious; the only drawback is the price, not excessive but far from the cheap range. One of my favorite Portuguese dishes - carne de porco a alentejana, (pork meat fried with clams with a coriander sauce) - gets here the name "medalhões de porco com ameijoas", and, believe me, it's impossible to do it better. However, everything else deserves your choice. A few friends in Virtual Tourist (RIP) followed my advice, and it was nice to receive their thanks for the suggestion. That's the double big pleasure now in Red Planet - being useful and showing our best to visitors.
    • 70s+
    • Male
    • Father
    • Married
    • No Disability
    Review Score: 0

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