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Avoid Zika cruise Alaska alaskan-cruise Review

This review of alaskan-cruise which is tagged :

  • Totally Guaranteed
    6 years ago
    Avoid Zika cruise Alaska
    Honestly I didn’t love the idea of a Caribbean cruise so we chose Alaska. The dates I had off for work for vacation the only cruise ship going to Bermuda was not looking so hot.

    I am trying to avoid Zika and was not cleared by my clinic to go to a Zika island so my options were limited.

    So hubby and I decided to skip right to Alaska as we both wanted to go and I like the idea I can get off the ship very frequently and use it like a hotel of sorts.

    We were amazed at the huge numbers of first time cruisers. If I remember correctly over half of the passengers were first timers.

    Also the idea of eating all that cruise food and being in the Caribbean didn't sound so fun.

    I liked being able to eat eat and eat and wear winter clothes to hide it all I recommend chilly cruising.
    • 40s
    • Female
    • Mother
    • Married
    • Has Disability
    • Celiac disease
    • Ship cruising enthusiast
    Review Score: 0

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