Restaurant "O Lidador" - Excellent option Obidos Review

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autotag administrative-area-level-2 locality political portugal
  • Restaurant "O Lidador" - Excellent option
    I went there for the first time with two Canadian boys and my eldest son. In a city of narrow streets and tiny squares, they were attracted by the small esplanade, occupying a third of the main street. It was hot, the shade outdoors was inviting, the menu was appealing, so I accepted.

    Good decision - Great menu, delicious food, nice service, good wine.

    What else shall I say?

    When I went to Óbidos several months later with a Canadian couple, this restaurant was already a natural choice. Once again I came out satisfied - they both also appreciated the meal as I did.

    Their special dish: Óbidos style pork loins

    Opens everyday from 10.00 to 23.00
    Address; R. Direita 19
    Telephone: +351 965039142
    Site: No site
    • Óbidos - Restaurant "O Lidador"
    • 70s+
    • Male
    • Father
    • Married
    • No Disability
    Review Score: 0

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