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Members are potential customers cruise-critic Review

This review of cruise-critic which is tagged :

  • Very Unlikely
    6 years ago
    Members are potential customers
    Cruise Critic’s forum “upgrade” last year and the trail of problems encountered as a result of it put a lot of people off.

    Their content rules are very strict and moderation can be ruthless with deletions of whole threads.

    Some have been banned for questioning moderation and content.

    Let’s not forget CC is a very commercial site owned by the same group who own Viatour and Travel Advisor and several other travel sites - members are potential customers and they are definitely selling that to advertisers.

    Maybe only a small percentage of those cruising who are even aware of Cruise Critic so most go in blind to their cruises.
    • 20s
    • Male
    • Father
    • Single
    • No Disability
    • Ship cruising enthusiast
    Review Score: 0

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