As any programmer will know, while testing the new Red Planet Site - I've been required to input a lot test data.  

Now generally you start off with places you know: Your address, your parents and friends addresses, etc.  But as time goes by you get bored with putting these addresses in your mind wanders, goes off in loops and fingers randomly tap on the keyboard.

Google Junk

We are using Google Geocoded data and there must be some junk data in there that:

1) Looks like it errorenously has been entered or,

2) Has been deliberately entered as data pepper to tell if the database as been copied.

Take for example these cities.. do they exist? - Methinks NOT!;-Redwood-Meadows-AB-T0L-Canada/asdfghjm-Long-Beach-CA-90740-USA

Asdfghkl in Canada to Asdfghjm in California.  Now both these places really are in Google Database, and I've noticed a few more when randomly typing strips on the keyboard.