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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    San Jose is located about an hour southeast of San Francisco, and about 5-6 hours north of Los Angeles. It is at the southern mouth of the San Francisco Bay. Unless you take the coastal route, you will definitely pass through San Jose going between LA and SF along 101 en route to the 5.

    With a population of more than 1 million, a brand new modern city hall, an international airport, and location in the Silicon Valley, San Jose is still probably not a major tourist destination, but a business destination. If you are a tourist, the Winchester Mystery Mansion in located here. You may also enjoy the Tech Museum and the new City Hall in downtown San Jose. If you're in the shopping mood and some good food head to Santana Row.

    San Jose is the host of the annual Grand Prix car race for 2 years now, and it transforms downtown San Jose into a race track for 3 days at the end of July.

    For those that survived the dot com bubble they have found sanctuary on Santana Row, a boulevard of high class eateries, cafes, and designer shopping. It's also a great place for nightlife. The restaurants/bars transform into a nightclub.

    Its major newspaper Mercury News has a lot of stories and information on high-tech companies.
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    Hotels near San Jose

    Landmarks near San Jose

    Looking for something to do or a place to go see near San Jose? Here is our list of options.

    • Hotel De Anza
      0.88 Km from San Jose
      The Hotel De Anza is a hotel in San Jose, California. At ten stories, it once was the tallest hotel in the San Jose central business district, prior to the construction of Hilton, Fairmont, and Marriott hotels. Significant for its architectural style, it is one of San Jose's few Zig Zag Moderne (Art Deco) buildings. The hotel was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 21, 1982. The De Anza Hotel was funded by the local business community, united in an organization called t...
    • Five Wounds Portuguese National Church
      2.38 Km from San Jose
      Five Wounds Portuguese National Church (Portuguese: Igreja Nacional Portuguesa das Cinco Chagas) is parish church of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. The parish and its church are in San Jose, California, thereby falling under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose in California and its bishop. Its name is derived from the Holy Wounds (Portuguese: Cinco Chagas).
    • Chinese Cultural Garden
      4.00 Km from San Jose
      The Chinese Cultural Garden occupies 6 acres (24,000 m2) of Overfelt Gardens park in San Jose, California. The addition of the Chinese Cultural Garden to Overfelt is primarily the work of Chinese immigrant Frank Lowe, his wife Pauline (who serves as park docent), and Dr. Chen Li-Fu of Taiwan. Features include an ornamental Friendship Gate, the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, the Chiang Kai-shek Pavilion, a large statue of Confucius, the Plum Pavilion, a sundial, and a carved, 15 ton black marble sto...
    • Oratory of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
      5.50 Km from San Jose
      The Oratory of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is a traditional Catholic chapel operating independently of the Diocese of San Jose.
    • Saint Lucy Parish, Campbell, California
      8.55 Km from San Jose
      St. Lucy Catholic Parish is the Roman Catholic parish church of the Latin Rite in Campbell, California. The church was originally established as a Mission of Saint Martin Parish of San Jose in 1914. The current church was built in 1957. ^ "About St. Lucy Catholic Parish". Retrieved 2010-05-05.
    • Great Mall of the Bay Area
      8.69 Km from San Jose
      The Great Mall of the Bay Area (often simply called The Great Mall), is a large indoor outlet shopping mall in Milpitas, California built by Ford Motor Land Development and Petrie Dierman Kughn in 1994, then acquired by Mills Corporation in 2003, and is now owned by the Simon Property Group since April 2007. It contains approximately 1.4 million square feet of gross leaseable area.
    • Mirassou Winery
      9.99 Km from San Jose
      The Mirassou Winery was a winery, founded in 1854 by Louis Pellier (1817-72) and his brother Pierre (1823-94) in what is now known as California's Silicon Valley, and for many years an icon of the agricultural heritage of the Santa Clara Valley. In 1881 Pierre Mirassou (1856-89) married Pierre Pellier's daughter Henriette (1860-1937). The brand name "Mirassou" was purchased by wine industry giant Gallo in 2003, and the Mirassou family no longer controls its wine making process or marke...
    • Good Samaritan Hospital (San Jose)
      11.02 Km from San Jose
    • JDSU
      11.40 Km from San Jose
    • ALBEDO Telecom
      11.40 Km from San Jose
      ALBEDO Telecom is a company that designs and manufactures products for the telecom industry including testers, synchronization nodes and networking devices. Typical users are R&D laboratories, Mobile and Telecom operators to verify and install the infrastructures that support any kind of applications based on voice, video and data. It is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain in the European Union.

    Points of Interest near San Jose

    Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near San Jose? Here is our list of options.

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    Exchange Rate History United States

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    Climate near San Jose

    Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to San Jose? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

    Graphic showing average weather in San Jose in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

    Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
    Jan 8 121.1 46.4 47.7
    Feb 9.1 103.9 48.4 40.9
    Mar 10.3 90.7 50.5 35.7
    Apr 12.4 44.6 54.3 17.6
    May 14.8 20.5 58.6 8.1
    Jun 18 4.8 64.4 1.9
    Jul 20.9 0.1 69.6 0
    Aug 20.5 0.6 68.9 0.2
    Sep 19 7.6 66.2 3
    Oct 15.7 25.3 60.3 10
    Nov 12 54.8 53.6 21.6
    Dec 8.8 105.2 47.8 41.4

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        Address : San Jose, CA, USA
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