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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  
    Quetzaltenango means, quetzal (national bird for Guatemala) and tenango (city or place), together they mean "City of the Quetzal", interesting convination.

    It was declared city 1825, some tourist say they can find in xela European influence, in its beautiful buildings, landscapes, and entertainment throughout the city.

    Its also well knowen for its Spanish schools, night life, restaurants, museums, hotels, markets, malls, outdoor/indoor activities, parks, monuments and above all the kindness of its people.
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      Points of Interest near Quetzaltenango

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Quetzaltenango? Here is our list of options.

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      • San Marcos La Laguna
        An island of its own... environment-friendly initiatives, yoga, massage, meditation, nature-friendly products,... the whole place is teeming with this atmosphere... and rather different from San Pedro or Santiago, the other villages around Lake Attitlan.... people often come here to stay for long and imbibe the eco-life...

        San Marcos La Laguna is a quite little town on Lake Atitlan which can only reached by boat. One simply jumps on one of the numerous "water taxis" from Panajachel. Costs are very nominal and the trip is very calm,. The views along this 45 minute trip are worth the effort.

        The most striking feature of this town is that it has practically no roads as everything is reached by thin foot paths through trees and between buildings. Handmade signs direct you to the most common destinations at any intersection. These homemade paths have a very intimate feel to them. They are shaped by the plants and flowers that create almost fences that guide you in the correct path.

        San Marcos offers a wide variety of studios catering to pure relaxation including yoga, reiki and massage. Many yogis often travel to San Marcos to practice their yoga at the highest level of peace and harmony. San Marcos also houses one of the most harmonious massage clinics in all of Guatemala.

        Actually, the island is quite enchanting. It is one of those places that forces a person to stop and think; forces a person to look and observe. The pace slows down to a crawl. If your idea of enjoyment is to get back to a natural setting, a serene mecca, peace and reflection..this is the place for you. There are great accommodations and restaurants at reasonable costs.
        San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala
      • San Pedro La Laguna
        San Pedro is a real gem on Lake Attitlan... the usual 'trip' around Lake Attitlan often starts at a place like Panajachel and goes around the lake, stopping at San Marcos, San Pedro, Santiago and back.... divide your time so that you have enough for each... but especially for San Pedro that is not only a shade big in size but also very atmospheric... the Guatemalan markets are a treat to watch with their bright colours and local hustle and bustle...

        Very nice place by the lake Atitlan. Is much less touristic than Panajachel and you can enjoy a very calm atmosphere. Best place to relax, to have a nice food or a cool beer.
        San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala
      • Lake Atitlán
        Lake Atitlán is a large lake in the Guatemalan Highlands. Atitlan is recognized to be the deepest lake in Central America with maximum depth about 340 meters (1,120 ft). The lake is shaped by deep escarpments which surround it and by three volcanoes on its southern flank. Lake Atitlan is further characterized by towns and villages of the Maya people. The lake is about 50 kilometres (31 mi) west-northwest of Antigua.

        The lake basin supports extensive coffee growth and a variety of farm crops, most notably corn. Other significant agricultural products include onions, beans, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, chile verde, strawberries, avocados and pitahaya fruit. The lake itself is rich in animal life which provides a significant food source for the largely indigenous population.

        The lake is surrounded by many villages, in which Maya culture is still prevalent and traditional dress is worn.

        There is no road that circles the lake. Communities are reached by boat or roads from the mountains that may have brief extensions along the shore. Santa Cruz La Laguna and Jaibalito can only be reached by boat. Santa Catarina Palopó and San Antonio Palopó are linked to Panajachel. Main places otherwise are Santa Clara La Laguna and San Pedro La Laguna in the West, Santiago Atitlán in the South, and San Lucas Tolimán in the East.
        Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
      • Panajachel
        Panajachel offers the visitors a magnificent view, not only because of the 3 volcanoes that sorround it, but also by its lake Atitlan, the one mention by brittish writer/novelist Aldous Huxley "As the most beautiful Lake in the world".

        The local view at night is marvelous. If your outside, u can see the 3 peaks of the enormous volcanoes (Atitlan, San Pedro and Toliman), and far side the lake on the south, u will see a fourth volcano called "cerro de oro" with lots of rich and dangerous history.

        Panajachel is sometime dubbed 'gringotenango' because it is firmly placed on the gringo trail (and also on the so-called 'stoner trail') but let this not deter you. It is a great place to unwind and you will find it to be an exciting city, with good restaurants, hotels, night life, Spanish schools, parks, car/bike/boat rentals, monuments, markets and museums.
        Panajachel, Guatemala
      • Chichicastenango
        Chichicastenango, is one of Guatemala's most visit places by the tourist, have to mention that chichicastenango is better knowed for its market days near Santo Tomas church, its typical mayan clothes, and above all colorfull city, cultural heritage and traditions.

        You can also find in Chichicastenango, hotels, restaurants, shops, theaters, museums, markets, a lot more, than a historical city founded 1540 can offer.
        Chichicastenango, Guatemala
      • San Lucas Tolimán
        San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala is located in the heart of the country surrounded by a beautiful set of mountains and volcanos. This area was one that was devastated by warfare just 10 years ago when the country was in Civil War. Finally with the country out of war and the government rebuilding, the indigenous people are rebuilding their cities and uniting to create communities that will take your breath away.

        The area contains everything a true traveler enjoys. Since the area was in war, there is plenty of opportunity for service work as well as being a prime spot to take day trips to major cities, the Mayan ruins or to the coast. One other unique aspect to San Lucas Toliman is its surroundings. Being in a plentiful area, many different species of plants grow here. This area has a perfect elevation for coffee, pencil trees, rubber trees, bananas, and even sugar cane. With the altitude comes some of the most amazing hikes one could take. With some of the largest volcano's in Guatemala, local's become tour guides taking you on trips that can lead you upwards of 12 hours to the top of volcano's. These trips allow you to have one of the most beautiful views seeing literally from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

        All in all, Guatemala as a whole is a country to keep the traveler busy and awe struck. This is a fantastic area to travel as it always will offer you an experience you have never had.
        San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala

      Climate near Quetzaltenango

      Do you know of anything else about the enviroment that makes you happy to come to Quetzaltenango? If it's a city or neighbourhood are there any climatic, or microclimatic features that you could tell others about. If the location is a building or place, then can you describe it maybe as "sun-lit", or "cold in the mornings". We'd love you to contribute - why not let us know in the drop box below

      Graphic showing average weather in Quetzaltenango in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 20.9 40.3 69.6 15.9
      Feb 20.8 37.7 69.4 14.8
      Mar 22.4 102.3 72.3 40.3
      Apr 22.5 223.3 72.5 87.9
      May 23 455 73.4 179.1
      Jun 22.7 597.3 72.9 235.2
      Jul 22.7 473 72.9 186.2
      Aug 22.4 479.3 72.3 188.7
      Sep 22.1 587.7 71.8 231.4
      Oct 21.7 477 71.1 187.8
      Nov 21.4 158 70.5 62.2
      Dec 21.5 59.7 70.7 23.5

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          Name : Quetzaltenango
          Address : Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
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