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    Users Assigned: Kazmi  

    Huntsville, AL, which has earned the nickname “Rocket City”, was incorporated in 1811 as Twickenham, but was renamed shortly thereafter to honor one of its founding citizens, John Hunt. Resting on the banks of the Tennessee River, the city was an important rail shipping point and could boast of being one of the leading cotton and munitions producing areas in the South. With its rail and river access the city was a strategic point in the Civil War.

    Huntsville's population was 180,105 as of 2010, with its metropolitan area about double that. The city relies heavily, directly and indirectly, on the aerospace industry for employment.

    The U.S. Space and Rocket Center, the Redstone Arsenal, the Centre of Marshall Space Flight and the Cummings Research Park are also situated within the premises of Huntsville.

    The city with its roots so deep into spaceflight and especially ballistic missile technology earned a “Red Star” designation from the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This meant that in the event of a nuclear war between the two super powers, Huntsville would be high on the target list for the Soviet missiles.

    Summers in Huntsville are hot and humid. Winters are mild with high temperatures rarely below 40.

    Huntsville has many parks, golf courses, several historic areas, and several professional sports (minor league) teams to serve as diversions. The town is serviced by many major fast food and casual dining chains and hotels. There are plenty of local restaurants as well.

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    Accommodation near Huntsville

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      Landmarks near Huntsville

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Huntsville? Here is our list of options.

      • Big Spring Park (Huntsville, Alabama)
        0.08 Km from Huntsville
        Big Spring International Park (also known as Big Spring Park) is located in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. The park is built around its namesake "Big Spring", the original water source that the city of Huntsville was built around. The park is also notable as the venue for the Panoply Arts Festival, held the last full weekend in April, and the Big Spring Jam, an annual music festival held on the fourth weekend in September from 1993 to 2011.
      • United States Space Camp
        6.57 Km from Huntsville
        U.S. Space Camp is a camp and related programs owned and operated by the Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission's U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The camp provides residential and day camp educational programs for children and adults. These programs include space oriented camp programs, aircraft themed Aviation Challenge camps, and outdoor oriented X-Camp programs, which are designed to promote science, engineering, aviation and exploration.
      • Aviation Challenge
        6.96 Km from Huntsville
        Aviation Challenge is a camp located in Huntsville, Alabama that is an alternative to Space Camp. Aviation challenge is more closely related to fighter aircraft than it is to space. The camp is a military based one that teaches many basic flying skills with in-depth simulators.
      • Madison Square Mall
        7.36 Km from Huntsville
      • Oakwood Adventist Academy
        7.49 Km from Huntsville
        Oakwood Adventist Academy, also referred to as Oakwood Academy or OAA, is a Seventh-day Adventist co-educational K-12 school located on the campus of Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama. It is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist education system, the world's second largest Christian school system. The K-12 head principal is Sharon Lewis (July 2009–2014) Jason edgecomb(2014-2015) and the K-8 principal is Delma Harvey ^
      • Bridge Street Town Centre
        8.17 Km from Huntsville
        Bridge Street Town Centre is an upscale lifestyle center (shopping center) in Huntsville, Alabama, USA developed by O&S Holdings and designed by TSArchitects, both of Los Angeles. The center is located in Cummings Research Park at the intersection of Old Madison Pike, Interstate 565, and Research Park Boulevard (Alabama State Route 255). Bridge Street includes 550,000 sq ft (51,000 m2) of retail space featuring a Monaco Pictures theater and 70 shops and restaurants. The center used to featur...
      • Princess Theatre, Decatur
        39.05 Km from Huntsville
        The Princess Theatre is a 677-seat performing arts venue in Decatur, Alabama. The art deco-style building was originally built in 1887 as a livery stable. In 1919, the building was transformed into a silent film and vaudeville playhouse. In 1941 the Princess received its art deco redesign. A bright neon marque which displays the name was installed around the same time. Local architect Albert Frahn painted the interior in burgundy and gray, with glow-in-the-dark murals. Outside the doors, the flo...
      • Unclaimed Baggage Center
        49.94 Km from Huntsville

      Points of Interest near Huntsville

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Huntsville? Here is our list of options.

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      Climate near Huntsville

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      Graphic showing average weather in Huntsville in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 5.6 142.3 42.1 56
      Feb 6.7 131.8 44.1 51.9
      Mar 11 153.7 51.8 60.5
      Apr 15.9 125 60.6 49.2
      May 20.5 106.6 68.9 42
      Jun 24.6 109.6 76.3 43.1
      Jul 26.2 120.5 79.2 47.4
      Aug 25.9 91.1 78.6 35.9
      Sep 23.1 87.1 73.6 34.3
      Oct 16.4 78 61.5 30.7
      Nov 10.1 105.9 50.2 41.7
      Dec 5.9 145.6 42.6 57.3

      Travel Info

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          Name : Huntsville
          Address : Huntsville, AL, USA
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