Brexit emigration choices
Good Morning Travellers and Worldly People. I've been thinking about this for sometime, and now it looks like brexit is happening soon, I'm going to look for another country to live in. But where do I go? I'm not frightened to learn another language, or change my passport, I just don't feel like I want to English anymore. Ideally though I'd find someplace where they are less xenophobic than where I'm from. From my googling I can see that Barbados is supposed to be a little england, and I've been to Gibraltar but that looks very expensive. Are there any communities that "think" like English people more or less - just have a more worldly view?
Tags: immigration
Answer @ 4/25/2019 8:29:23 PM by JBoyd1988
Undoubtedly Malta. Listen, they are Maltese - and proudly so, not British. But for a Brit who wants to escape the "little england" mentality that has been given free-reign in England, you should consider Malta.

With a much better climate, and EU state (that isn't going to change), friendly people who speak English, and even some English foods; like pies, that are remnants of the time when Malta was a Royal Navy base, will make it very easy for a Brit to come and live here.

Good luck!

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