Is Nicaragua Safe for travel
We have found a nice ticket to Nicaragua for this summer (end of July).

We would like to visit Leon, Granada, San Juan Del Sur and Ometepe by bus and boat.

However, the Belgian embassy is pretty negative on their website. Is it safe enough to travel?
Edited 7/30/2019 5:29:55 PM by redplanettravelboss ...View History
  • 1
    Nic is nice and safe. German embassy write the same. Danger...bullshit. have fun.
Answer @ 6/19/2019 6:00:00 AM by UArnholt72
So I did león and Granada about a month ago and felt super safe all the time.

It's been my favorite country in central America so far.
Answer @ 6/22/2019 11:00:00 PM by KAILANI_Nwosu
I was in Nicaragua for almost three months the end of 2018 and beginning 2019.

I'm also Belgian and then the embassy had a negative travel advice so I was rather nervous to go. But I truly loved Nica a lot.

It was my favorite country in Central America. I traveled it alone, and never felt unsafe.
Answer @ 6/23/2019 3:00:00 PM by ROwenby71
I travelled alone for 5 weeks in March. Granada, Ometepe, San Juan Del Sur, then the Corn Islands.

No problems whatsoever. The government advice is always over cautious.I had the most wonderful time!
Answer @ 7/2/2019 10:00:00 PM by Pane_1979
Don't let news and people scare you! Just speak to local and they will give you the best advice! Just use common sense and avoid Managua the capital as also not much to see there.

Was travelling for a few weeks and had the best time of my life! People are so nice and they really look after you!

Let's support Nica and hope tourism will be back full speed!

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