Services for Businesses and Organisations

Show people what you do and how to get to you

By using services from Red Planet Travel you can help your business or organisation get more visitors.
If people can get find you, quicker, cheaper, easier and more exactly - more of them will come!
Our tag search system, place description system, travel inspiration engine and the state-of the-art journey planning system (which is powered by Rome2Rio) we can be connected to your business or organization in many ways depending on what is the best fit.

See below for the services we offer:

Accommodation Advertising
List your Property now

Completely free for both accommodation provider and visitor. The Perfect Place channel is designed to answer all prospective visitors questions before they get to your place. It allows unlimited upload of text and images into a structured page format that appears for specific queries from Search Engines.

Once fully documented and tagged you can forward ideas, previous visitor comments to a unique email address for each page. This information is included on your page by our enthusiastic volunteer community members who work with you set visitor expectations so the right people come to your place.

Link Builder

These are great on your contact us or links page, used in E-Mail or social networks.
Simple to create and edit they are a super way to allow people to see alternative routes on how to to get to you.

The link builder will make you two types of link. One is a pure HTML link, that can be copied and paste straight into your website editing program, the other is a Short Url which compacts the data into a Url that can also be used on your website, but also, works well in just about any other place. This can be used on your Facebook wall, in Tweets, as a "show me how to get there" link on your email signature, and as it is case-insenstive, and doesn't contain any possibly confusing characters like 1 and i (one and the letter i) it can be used with confidence on printed materials such as business cards.

Travel Clinic Listing
List your Travel Clinic Now

Completely free for both doctor and patient. The Clinic finder will list your hospital, medical clinic or private practice and all the procedures you offer; both acute and travel tourism services on a dedicated page where you are free to upload full details and images.

We also host the MDtravelhealth channels resource pages which is a collaborative effort to maintain a database of the current travel health situation in all countries and territories around the world. Medical professionals are invited to contribute their knowledge.

Website Widgets

These are great anywhere on your contact us or links page, or on any page where you want to encourage people to go somewhere.
Simple to create and edit they are bright and eye catching.

They are bigger than the text links that you can make in the Link Builder, but much more noticeable, and have the advantage of allowing your visitor to just enter where he is coming from on your website and we do all the rest. The Link Builder requires that they enter their address on our home page, so it one step longer.

Currency Converters
Convert any currency now

Convert between any currency super fast - you can enter currency amounts in either side of the equation
You can also search historical currency conversions up to January 2010.

Have a lot of purchases in different currencies over time you want converted to your currency at the rate prevailing at the time. Simple! Just use our batch currency converter by pasting the transactions.

What a useful guy this is.
If you find yourself with many locations or events to make links for, you can use our super fast way of creating the links. No need to come to our site to do it.

Just email the event address to Put the name of the event or description in the Subject: and just the address in the Body. It will reply instantly with the links that you need. Then you can forward the link to however needs it e.g. on a newsletter or attendee invitiation list.

On Twitter? Then our Twitter Robot might be your man.
Similar to the E-Mail bot the Twitter bot will create a Short Url link that shows potential visitors all the possible options for getting to a location.

Just sent a Tweet to @redplanetrobot and it will reply. You can also use it to publicise your event by using the #publicity hashtag, this will cause it to retweet the event to our @redplanetters. Read more about it on this blog entry.